Not Me!

Not Me!

Reviewed by: Deidre Walsh - Goodall Library, Sanford, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: September 15, 2016


Wanna go to the beach? Bear does! Chipmunk follows along reluctantly. Bear has a blast - laying in the sun, swimming, building sandcastles and more. With every two page spread, the text has bear stating what he likes doing at the beach,and the refrain from Chipmunk, "Not me!". Chipmunk is not a whiner. He truly doesn't enjoy the beach. And the amusing and detailed illustrations show that. Bear is enjoying himself too much to be aware of what Chipmunk is going through. At the end of the day, bear has had a wonderful day at the beach. But not Chipmunk. Bear finally asks him, "Why did you come?". Chipmunk's answer, "I came to be with you." To read that was wonderful. What a wonderful friendship story. And Bear realizes what a good friend he has in Chipmunk too. "You are a good friend." said Bear. And this time Chipmunk says "That's me!" instead of "Not me!". This is a sweet story about friendship. It is told in simple, declarative sentences, 2-3 sentences per page, with some repetition. The illustrations are done in watercolor and ink. They enhance the text beautifully. In an amazing way, the reader sees, hears Bear having fun while Chipmunk "suffers" through the day. This is a good story about friendship. The illustrations beautifully depict this. The text is accessible to beginning readers in K=1st grade, as well as struggling 2nd grade readers. The only weakness I can come up with, and this is a stretch. I wish that chipmunk had some fun in the day, aside from just being with his friend. The message here is clear and it is important. Friends are there for each other. This is a good beginning reader. It could also work well in the classroom to show what friendship means. Pair this with Mo Willems "Can I Play Too" for a pleasant friendship-themed story time.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Gorbachev, Valeri

Illustrator: Gorbachev, Valeri

Illustration Quality: excellent

Publisher: Holiday House

Book Type: picture book fiction

Genre: adventure,fantasy

Audience: preschool,grades k-3

Binding Type: reinforced trade binding

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780823435463

Price: 14.95