Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph

Jackrabbit McCabe and the Electric Telegraph

Reviewed by: Terri Bauld - Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library, Kennebunkport, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: May 9, 2016


A tall tale told in a picture book format, this first rate debut will keep readers entertained. The folksy text tells the story about a local hero and his challenge with a new invention. The setting is early 19th century in the Great Plains where change is in the air. Jackrabbit McCabe, a young man who could run as fast as "a squirrel hightailing it up a tree", keeps very busy around town delivering messages and running races. That is, until one day, when something new came to town....the electric telegraph. A competition between the two is set up on who can deliver a message to the next town first. Although Jackrabbit tries very hard, he is no match for this new invention. After his loss, he "feels lower than a snakes navel" until he is appointed as the first telegraph operator of the town and paper boy. The author's note includes a full page of the history of the telegraph and also includes a Morse Code key and a code written in Morse Code for readers to decipher. The old fashioned muted illustrations work well with the folksy text. A great addition to both public and school libraries this book offers storytelling at its best.

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Rozier, Lucy Margaret

Illustrator: Espinosa, Leo

Illustration Quality: excellent

Publisher: Schwartz & Wade Books

Book Type: picture book nonfiction


Audience: grades k-3,grades 4-6

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780385378437

Price: 17.99