A Passion for Elephants the Real Life Adventure of Field Scientist Cynthia Moss

A Passion for Elephants the Real Life Adventure of Field Scientist Cynthia Moss

Reviewed by: Michelle Brenner - Casco Public Library, Casco, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: February 10, 2016


This engaging book tells the story of how scientist Cynthia Moss became interested in saving the elephants of Africa from being killed for the ivory trade. The narrative starts with a description of Cynthia as a seven year old riding a "great, tall horse" because she "was not afraid of BIG things".; a theme that is continued through the story. We learn of her trip to Africa as a journalist taking pictures of the "most ENORMOUS land animals on planet Earth" and how she fell in love with the gentle creatures whom she decided to devote her life to studying. The book does a wonderful job of showing what she learned of the social/emotional life of the elephant families and explaining what ivory is and why she joined the fight to make the trade illegal all over the world. The beautiful mixed-media illustrations are very detailed and draw the reader in with wonderful colors and textures. The eyes of the elephants show great emotion. The book includes a picture and more detailed biography of Cynthia Moss as well as further reading suggestions and additional sources, although nothing is more recent than 2010 with the exception of the website for Cynthia's Amboseli Trust for Elephants. This book is a wonderful introduction to an animal rights activist who mad a difference and could inspire children to educate themselves about what goes on in other parts of the world where they could make a difference if they are "not afraid of BIG things."

Overall Book Score: excellent

About the Book


Buzzeo, Toni

Illustrator: Berry, Holly

Illustration Quality: excellent

Publisher: Penguin Group

Book Type: picture book nonfiction

Genre: biography / autobiography

Audience: grades k-3

Binding Type: reinforced trade binding

Binding Quality: excellent

ISBN: 9780399187254

Price: 16.99

This Book's Maine Connection: Maine author,Maine illustrator