Families Around the World

Families Around the World

Reviewed by: Cathy Potter - Falmouth Elementary School, Falmouth, Southern Maine Library District

Review Date: May 12, 2015


Families Around the World offers a basic overview of different cultures from the point of view of children from different countries. The first page points out that families are diverse. Some families have many children, one child, or adopted children, and some children have two moms or two dads. Each two-page spread introduces readers to a child from a different country ranging from Brazil to Mongolia and the Netherlands. Kid-friendly illustrations accompany the first-person narrative text that describes the foods, religion, recreation activities, and other aspects of daily life. Back matter includes activities for teachers and parents to share with children and a glossary of words from the countries represented. Although the book doesn’t provide a detailed description of life in each country, it offers a springboard for very young readers with limited knowledge of world cultures.

Overall Book Score: good

About the Book


Ruurs, Margriet

Illustrator: Gordon, Jessica Rae

Illustration Quality: fair

Publisher: Kids Can Press

Book Type: picture book nonfiction


Audience: grades k-3

Binding Type: trade edition

Binding Quality: fair

ISBN: 9781894786577

Price: 18.95