Legislative Reports

On this page: Department of Professional & Financial Regulation | Bureau of Financial Institutions | Bureau of Insurance | Health | Property & Casualty | Workers' Compensation | Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection


Office of the Commissioner

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

Completed Reports and Sunrise Reviews

Program Evaluation Report as Required by the Government Evaluation Act (3 M.R.S.A. Section 955) (November 2023) - PDF
Legislative Briefing Book (April 2023) - PDF
Report on Tribal-State Implementation Act to HCIFS Committee - (January 2023) - PDF
Report on Tribal-State Implementation Act to IDEA Committee - (January 2023) - PDF
Tribal-State Collaboration Act Policy  - (December 2022) - PDF
Professional and Financial Regulation 2022 Fee Report - (November 2022) - PDF
Report on Licensure for Credentialed Individuals from Other Jurisdictions (LD 149) - (December 2021) - PDF
Emails from Applicants (Licensure Report - LD 149) - (December 2021) - PDF
Vehicle Safety in the Funeral Industry Report (LD 1214) - (December 2021) - PDF
2019 Maine State Government Annual Report - PDF
Report on Barriers to Credentialing Pursuant to Resolve 2019, c. 79 (March 3, 2020) - PDF
Report on Requiring Professional Licensure for Home Inspectors Pursuant to Resolve 2019, c. 61 (January 10, 2020) - PDF
Report on Requiring Professional Licensure for Crane Operators Pursuant to Resolve 2019, c. 75 (January 10, 2020) - PDF
Professional and Financial Regulation 2018 Fee Report - PDF
Professional and Financial Regulation 2016 Fee Report - PDF
Program Evaluation Report as Required by the Government Evaluation Act (3 M.R.S.A. Section 955) (November 2015) - PDF
Report on Streamlining Forester Licensing Requirements submitted to the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (January 25, 2013) - PDF
Report on the Review of Laws and Rules Governing Boilers Pursuant to Legislative Resolve 2011, c. 45 (January 15, 2012) - PDF
Report on Pre-Paid Home Heating Oil Contracts Pursuant to Legislative Resolve 2011, c. 79 (November 30, 2011) - PDF
2010 – Directing the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to Conduct a Sunrise Review Regarding the Proposal to License Wetland Scientists (PDF)
2010 – Directing the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to Conduct a Sunrise Review Regarding the Proposal to License Certain Mechanical Trades (PDF)
2008 – Sunrise Review Regarding the Practice of Licensed Midwifery (PDF)
2008 – Sunrise Review of Oral health Care Issues(PDF)
2006- Report of the Commissioner of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development, Sunrise Review of LD 1525, Sec. 28 “An Act to Amend Real Estate Brokerage Laws” Commercial Leasing Brokerage, 2006(PDF)
2006 – Resolve Directing the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to Conduct a Sunrise Review Regarding the Regulation of Fire Alarm Contractors(PDF)
2005 – Sunrise Review of the Expanded Scope of Practice for Maine Denturists(PDF)
2004 – Resolve, Directing the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to Conduct a Sunrise review for the Regulation of Spoken Language Interpreters(PDF)
2004-Report of the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation To the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development Sunrise Review of L.D. 1551 “An Act to License Home Building and Home Contractors”(PDF)
2004-Report of the Commissioner of the Department of Professional and Financial Regulation to the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research and Economic Development Sunrise Review of L.D. 263 “An Act to Define a Scope of Practice for Acupuncture"(PDF)
2001-Final Report of the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation to the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs Sunrise Review of L.D. 2345 “Resolve, to Enhance the Availability of Neuropsychological Assessment to Maine’s Children”(PDF)
2000-Final Report of the Commissioner of Professional and Financial Regulation to the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic Development Sunrise Review of L.D. 2478 “An Act to License Cued Speech Transliterators of the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing"(PDF)

Bureau of Financial Institutions

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

Annual Report from the Superintendent for the Year 2018 - PDF
Maine Data Breach Study (2008) - PDF

Bureau of Insurance

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

2022 Annual Report from the Superintendent of the Bureau of Insurance, Incorporating the Consumer Health Care Division Annual Report and the Division's Annual Report on External Reviews; (September 2023) - PDF
2022 Annual Report - Insurance Fraud and Abuse (June 2023) - PDF
Stakeholder Meetings Held in June and August 2012 concerning LD1717: An Act to Establish a Preneed Life Insurance Producer License and Preneed Life Insurance Product for Prearranged Funeral Plans (October 2012) - PDF
Study on the Feasibility of and Process for the Creation of an Insurance Fraud Division within the Bureau of Insurance (December 2009) - PDF
Life Insurance Policy Settlements Pursuant to P.L. 2007, ch. 543 (April 2009) - PDF

Bureau of Insurance - Health Reports

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

Review and Evaluation of LD 132, An Act to Require Health Insurance to Provide Coverage for Blood Testing for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substance - PDF.
Review and Evaluation of LD 663, An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome - PDF.
Review and Evaluation of LD 1577 An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Biomarker Testing - PDF.
Review and Evaluation of Amendment to LD 1832, An Act to Require Reimbursement of Fees for Treatment Rendered by Public and Private Ambulance Services - PDF.
2023 Geographic Rating Analysis of Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Plans in Maine (December 2023) - PDF.
2023 Report on Independent Dispute Resolution (July 2024) - PDF.
Report of the Superintendent of Insurance on Mandated Health Insurance Claims for: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services, Mammography and Breast Cancer Treatment, and Chiropractic Services for the Year 2022 (July 2023) - PDF.
2022 Annual Report on Prescription Drug Compensation for the Benefit of Covered Persons (June 2023) - PDF.
Report on 2022 Claims for Treatment of Lyme Disease and Other Tick-borne Illnesses (March 2023) - PDF
A Report Concerning LD 1539: An Act To Provide Access to Fertility Care (January 2023) - PDF.
Report on Law to Encourage Consumers to Comparison-shop for Certain Health Care Procedures (April 2022) - PDF.
Review and Evaluation of LD1003 - An Act to Improve Outcomes for Persons with Limb Loss (February 2022) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD441 - An Act to Expand Adult Dental Health Insurance Coverage (January 2022) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD665 - An Act to Promote Better Dental Care for Cancer Survivors (January 2022) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD1357 - An Act to Require Private Insurance Coverage for Postpartum Care (January 2022) - PDF
Review of LD1539 - An Act to Provide Access to Fertility Care and LD922 - An Act to Help Cancer Patients with Fertility Preservation  (January 2022) - PDF
Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 4th Quarter 2019 (June 2020)
Review and Evaluation of LD 1138, An Act to Ensure Health Insurance Coverage for Treatment for Childhood Postinfectious Neuroimmune Disorders Including Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (January 2020)
Report to Determine Compliance with Federal and State Mental Health Parity Laws (January 2020)
Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 3rd Quarter 2019 (January 2020)
Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 2nd Quarter 2019 (September 2019)
Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 1st Quarter 2019 (July 2019)
Cost Report of Public Law 2015, Chapter 488 - An Act to Prevent Opiate Abuse by Strengthening the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD 1417 - An Act to Require Insurance Coverage for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease (December 2017) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD 1030 - An Act to Require Nondiscrimination Policies in Providing Health Insurance (December 2017) - PDF
Review and Recommendations Regarding the Maine Guaranteed Access Reinsurance Association (February 2017) - PDF
Regulatory Options for Addressing Issues in Long-term Care Insurance (January 2017) - PDF
Small Group Health Insurance Renewals by Geographic Area Executive Summary (June 2016) - PDF
Maine Autism Mandate Report - Review of PL LD 1198 Chpt 635 (May 2015) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD1600 - An Act to Require Health Insurers to Provide Coverage for Human Leukocyte Antigen Testing To Establish Bone Marrow Donor Transplantation Suitability (March 2014) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD347 - An Act to Amend Insurance Coverage for Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (January 2014) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD523 - An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Hearing Aids for Adults (January 2014) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD1367 - An Act to Require Health Insurance Carriers and the MaineCare Program to Cover the Cost of Transition Services to Bridge the Gap Between High School and Independence (January 2014) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD 20 An Act to Require Insurance Companies to Cover the Cost of Prosthetics (March 5, 2010) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD 1198 An Act to Reform Insurance Coverage to Include Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorders (December 2009) - PDF
Review and Evaluation of LD 425, An Act to Require Private Insurance Coverage for Certain Services for Children with Disabilities (December 2009) - PDF
Direct Care Workers (December 2008) - PDF
Update to the implementation of P.L. 2005, chapter 97 (LD 416) - volume of complaints received by the Bureau as a result of the requirement that health care providers in office settings submit claims on the standardized federal form used by non-institutional providers (January 6, 2006) - PDF

Bureau of Insurance - Property and Casualty Reports

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

The Impact of Public Law Chapter 395 on Premiums in the Maine Automobile Insurance Market (February 2024) - PDF
The Availability of Insurance in the Maine Property & Casualty Market (July 2024) - PDF
Report regarding LD794 - An Act to Maintain Maine's System of Therapeutic Foster Care for Children through the Creation of a Nonprofit Risk Indemnification Trust (February 2022) - PDF

Bureau of Insurance - Workers' Compensation Reports

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

Annual Report on the Status of the Maine Workers' Compensation System (February 2024) - PDF
Annual Report on the State of Competition in the Maine Workers' Compensation Market (January 2024) - PDF

Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection

(click on any report title to view the pdf document)

Report on Streamlining Maine's Foreclosure Prevention Program Pursuant to Public Law 2011, c. 427 (December 7, 2011) - PDF
Report on Credit Reporting by Debt Collectors Pursuant to Resolve 2011, c.34 (December 7, 2011) - PDF
Resolve, Authorizing the Office of Consumer Credit Regulation to Study the Payday Advance Industry and Related Consumer Credit Lending Issues in Maine (2-1-06) - PDF