- Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 3rd Quarter 2019 (January 2020)
- Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 2nd Quarter 2019 (September 2019)
- Quarterly Report of Formulary Changes for 1st Quarter 2019 (July 2019)
- Cost Report of Public Law 2015, Chapter 488 - An Act to Prevent Opiate Abuse by Strengthening the Controlled Substances Prescription Monitoring Program - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD 1417 - An Act to Require Insurance Coverage for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Disease (December 2017) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD 1030 - An Act to Require Nondiscrimination Policies in Providing Health Insurance (December 2017) - PDF
- Review and Recommendations Regarding the Maine Guaranteed Access Reinsurance Association (February 2017) - PDF
- Regulatory Options for Addressing Issues in Long-term Care Insurance (January 2017) - PDF
- Small Group Health Insurance Renewals by Geographic Area Executive Summary (June 2016) - PDF
- Maine Autism Mandate Report - Review of PL LD 1198 Chpt 635 (May 2015) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD1600 - An Act to Require Health Insurers to Provide Coverage for Human Leukocyte Antigen Testing To Establish Bone Marrow Donor Transplantation Suitability (March 2014) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD347 - An Act to Amend Insurance Coverage for Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (January 2014) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD523 - An Act to Require Health Insurance Coverage for Hearing Aids for Adults (January 2014) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD1367 - An Act to Require Health Insurance Carriers and the MaineCare Program to Cover the Cost of Transition Services to Bridge the Gap Between High School and Independence (January 2014) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of Health Insurance Geographic Area Factors (PDF) (October, 2012)
- Maine Medical Insurance Trend Report for Small Group Insurance Policies - 2012 (PDF)
- Maine Medical Insurance Trend Report for Individual Medical Insurance Policies - 2012 (PDF)
- The Impact of PL90 on Maine's Health Insurance Markets (PDF) (December, 2011)
- The Impact of the ACA on Maine's Health Insurance Markets (PDF) (May 31, 2011)
- Preliminary Report: The Health Insurance Market in Maine (PDF) (February, 2010)
- Review and Evaluation of LD 20 An Act to Require Insurance Companies to Cover the Cost of Prosthetics (March 5, 2010) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD 1198 An Act to Reform Insurance Coverage to Include Diagnosis for Autism Spectrum Disorders (December 2009) - PDF
- Review and Evaluation of LD 425, An Act to Require Private Insurance Coverage for Certain Services for Children with Disabilities (December 2009) - PDF Direct Care Workers (December 2008) - PDF
- A Review of Health Insurers' Compliance with Rule 945 Reporting Requirements (PDF) (August 7, 2007)
- Reform Options for Maine's Individual Health Insurance Market (PDF) (May 30, 2007)
- Update to the implementation of P.L. 2005, chapter 97 (LD 416) - volume of complaints received by the Bureau as a result of the requirement that health care providers in office settings submit claims on the standardized federal form used by non-institutional providers (January 6, 2006) - PDF
- A Proposed Approach - Identifying Designated Providers Under Rule Chapter 850 Access Standards (PDF) (September 19, 2003)