Pursuant to Title 24-A M.R.S.A. §6095 (2)(A), (2)(B), and (2)(D) and 24-A §2186; all Risk Retention Groups registered in the State of Maine are required to file annually, on or before March 1st:
- Annual Statement unless it is submitted electronically to the NAIC
- A copy of the most recent report of examination
- A copy of the group’s Certificate of Compliance
- Maine Fraud and Abuse Annual Report
Items 1 - 3 should be sent to Assistant Financial Analyst in the Financial Analysis Division, at the address below. (Please note: the filing of quarterly statements is not required by Maine statute.)
Item 4 - Data for the Maine Fraud & Abuse report is entered into an Excel spreadsheet and returned as an e-mail attachment. Here is a link to the forms and instructions. Scroll down to Fraud & Abuse Annual Report.
Should the group fail to file the required items by March 1st, a “Notice of Termination” will be issued, and the group’s right to do business in the State of Maine will be terminated 30 days after receipt of the “Notice.”
Should you have questions relating to any of this, feel free to call the Assistant Financial Analyst at the Bureau of Insurance at 207-624-8443 or E-mail to Insurance.PFR@maine.gov.
Send filings to:
Regular Mail:
Bureau of Insurance
Financial Analysis Division
34 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0034
Overnight delivery:
Deliveries such as FedEx and UPS
76 Northern Ave.
Gardiner, ME 04345
USPS Express overnight deliveries
34 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333