Producers FAQs

For more information, visit our section for Producers.

How do I print my license?

The current process is for us to email a copy of the initial license to the primary/business email address provided at the time of application.  The email will generally be sent within 24-72 hours after license approval and will come from  

Duplicate licenses can be downloaded or emailed by visiting  You will need your Maine license number and Access Code.

How do I get a copy of my license?

You can request a duplicate copy of your license here. Go into the ALMSOnline service using your license number and Access Code.  Once submitted, the license will be automatically emailed to the primary email address you provide.

If you prefer to receive a hard copy of the license in the mail, you can request the duplicate by completing the paper Duplicate License Request form.  The fee for a paper copy is $10 and the license will be mailed within two weeks.

How do I renew my license?

Maine individual non-resident producer licenses are perpetual so there is no expiration date and no renewal fees. Maine individual resident producer licenses are renewed automatically by our office the first business day following the Continuing Education (CE) due date, as long as all CE Requirements have been met. 

How do I change my contact information?

Address/contact information can be changed 1 of 3 ways:

  1. Electronically via This will change your information in all the states you are licensed in.
  2. Electronically via ALMS Online with an access code. This will change your information for Maine only.
  3. Via paper form which can be faxed, emailed or mailed to the Bureau of Insurance. This will change your information for Maine only.

How do I obtain my Access Code?

Access Codes are included in the email with your initial license.  If you do not have your access code, please submit your request via e-mail at or call 207-624-8475 and request Producer Licensing. Once an individual licensee logs in with their access code, they will be prompted to pick a security question and create a unique password for future logins.

How do I submit an application?

Producer applications can be submitted electronically via or by downloading the paper application at here and submit by e-mail, fax or regular mail to the Bureau of Insurance.

What are the application fees? Is there a military exemption?

The resident producer application and licensee fee is $25.00. The non-resident producer application and license fee is $55.00. Surplus Lines application and license fee is $165.00. There are no military exemptions.

I am a first time licensee, how do I get started?

As a resident producer, you must take the appropriate licensing exam first. You will need to contact our licensing vendor, Pearson Vue at to schedule the exam. Once you have passed the exam, you would then submit the application to us for licensure. Please see above regarding how to submit an application.

As a non-resident producer, as long as you have an active resident state license, all you need to do is submit an application for licensure. Maine does not require a Certification and/or Clearance Letter. Please see above regarding how to submit an application.

What are my Continuing Education (CE) requirements?

Continuing Education requirements are located on this page Continuing Education | PFR Insurance (

I am currently licensed as a Maine resident but have moved out of state. How do I transfer my license?

If you have moved out of Maine and wish to change your license status from resident to nonresident all that is required is the completion of our resident to nonresident transfer form (PDF).

I am currently licensed as a Maine non-resident but have moved to Maine.  How do I transfer my license?

As long as your current resident license is still active or has been within the last 90 days, you can apply here as a resident without taking our exam. Simply submit the paper application found at The fee is $25.00.

Do I need an agency affiliation and/or company appointment in order to maintain my license?

No you do not need an active affiliation or appointment in order to remain actively licensed.

What types of licenses are issued?

Insurance Licensing issues producer licenses for the following Lines:

  • Life
  • Variable Contracts
  • Health
  • Casualty
  • Property
  • Surplus Lines
  • Personal Lines
  • Limited Lines Auto Rental
  • Limited Lines Credit (exam required for residents)
  • Limited Lines Mechanical Breakdown (no exam required)
  • Limited Lines Title (exam required for resident, unless member of Maine Bar)
  • Limited Lines Travel/Baggage (no exam required)

I have a criminal conviction.  Will this stop me from obtaining a license?

Not necessarily.  There are certain convictions that can be considered for denial of a license however every scenario is reviewed independently and every applicant has a right to a hearing.  Please contact the Licensing Division with specific questions.

How do I file my Surplus Lines Tax?

For procedures on filing your insurance tax payments, contact the Maine Revenue Services Income/Estate Tax Division at (207) 624-9753 or at the following website under Other Taxes.

After I become licensed, how and when do I report administrative actions?  Criminal actions?

Administrative actions.  A producer shall report to the superintendent any administrative action taken against the producer in another jurisdiction or by another governmental agency in this State within 30 days of the final disposition of the matter. This report must include a copy of the order, consent to order or other relevant legal documents.

Criminal actions.  Within 30 days of the initial pretrial hearing date, a producer shall report to the superintendent any criminal prosecution of the producer taken in any jurisdiction. The report must include a copy of the initial complaint filed, the order resulting from the hearing and any other relevant legal documents.

Information can be reported by posting to the NIPR Attachment Warehouse (, e-mail to our office at or fax to 207-624-8599.

How do I obtain a letter of certification?

Check with the specific state to see if a letter of certification is required, as many no longer do. If one is needed, please submit a request in writing to the Maine Bureau of Insurance, 34 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333, along with a fee of $10. Checks should be made payable to Treasurer, State of Maine.  You may also e-mail your request with credit card information (DOC) to or fax to 207-624-8599.

If an agent holds a full lines license (either L&H or P&C) can they offer limited lines credit insurance under a full lines license without the addition of a credit license?  Is there a regulation that outlines this?

If a producer holds full L&H authority, that producer can sell credit insurance related to that line (e.g., credit disability). If a producer holds full P&C authority, that producer is able to sell credit insurance related to that line (e.g., credit property).  If a producer with P&C authority wishes to sell credit insurance related to life and health, that individual would need to obtain either 1) limited lines credit authority or 2) full L&H authority.

May a producer who is meeting with a client to discuss Medicare products also solicit other products that he or she is licensed to sell, such as life or health insurance, or annuities?

No. Under Section 2152-B of the Insurance Code, it is an unfair trade practice to use an appointment that was made to discuss Medicare products or to solicit the sale of Medicare products in order to solicit sales of life insurance, health insurance or annuity products. There is an exception, however, for when the consumer requests the solicitation and the products to be discussed are clearly identified to the consumer in writing at least 48 hours before the appointment. Otherwise, another appointment will have to be scheduled, if life insurance, health insurance or annuities are to be discussed.

When does the Maine Insurance Code allow producers to charge fees?

The basic rule is that fees are not allowed. Charges for placing insurance must be as indicated in the company's filings; in other words, the regular premiums as filed, and the resulting commissions. However, there are two circumstances allowing producers to charge fees. First, producers with surplus lines authority may charge a nominal service charge to cover communication expenses in connection with surplus lines placements. See 24-A M.R.S. §2174. Second, fees in addition to or in lieu of commissions may be charged for large commercial property and casualty risks. See 24-A M.R.S. §1450(3). This category is defined in Bureau Regulation Chapter 900:

Does the Maine Insurance Code require producers to retain records?

Yes. Producers must retain records for three years after completion of a transaction.

If a life or health producer who does not sell, solicit, or negotiate Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI), and has not taken the required training*, refers a client to a producer who has the required training and does sell LTCI, may the LTCI producer share his or her commission with the referring producer?

Yes. Section 1450 of the Maine Insurance Code governs the sharing of commissions between licensed producers. The basic rule is that this is permissible as long as each producer has the proper license type. The license authorities for LTCI would be Life or Health. The training requirement does not itself constitute a different license category. Therefore, commission sharing would be permissible between these producers. *

Example 1: Mary is a Maine licensed producer with Health authority. However, she has not taken Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) training and does not sell such products. She refers a client to Bill, a Maine licensed Health producer who has completed the required training and is authorized to sell LTCI products. The client purchases a LTCI policy from Bill. Bill shares his commission with Mary. Is this allowed?

Yes. Commission sharing is permissible as long as each producer has the proper license type. In this case, Mary and Bill are Maine licensed Health producers.

Example 2: Lisa is a Maine licensed producer with only Property & Casualty authority. If she refers a client to Bill, under the same circumstances as above, is Bill able to share the commission from the LTCI product with Lisa?

No. Lisa does not hold the required Life or Health authority. Both producers must hold the appropriate authority to share in the commission.

Does the Maine Insurance Code allow producers to offer promotional incentives to customers?

No, except for those with nominal value. The anti-rebating laws generally prohibit any person from offering any inducement, discount, or incentive to purchase insurance that is not specifically included in the insurer’s filings. The exception is that a producer may offer gifts valued up to $100 per year per person in connection with the marketing of insurance, and conduct raffles or drawings with prizes valued at no more than $500, so long as there is no participation costs to entrants. These gifts may not be in the form of cash; however, cash equivalents (e.g., pre-paid MasterCard or VISA gift card) are no longer prohibited.

Example 1: John has opened his new insurance agency, and wants to offer a free tablet valued at $124.99 to the first 50 prospective customers to visit his office for an insurance quote. May he do so?

No. This is a gift in connection with the marketing of insurance and its value exceeds $100.00. Therefore, this offer is prohibited under the rebating laws.

Example 2: Sue, who is an established producer, wants to reward her loyal customers by providing a yearly $15.00 gift certificate to a local restaurant to each existing policyholder. Do the rebate laws apply to this?

Yes. The rebate laws refer to gifts in connection with the marketing of insurance, which is further defined both in terms of the sale of policies, and the retention of existing insurance. Sue’s gifts are for the purpose of rewarding continuing business, and therefore relate to the retention of insurance. These gifts, therefore, are rebates. She is, however, allowed to offer them under the rebating laws, because their value is below $100.00 per year per policy.

Example 3: In order to promote his insurance business, William wishes to hold a drawing at a local Chamber of Commerce event. There is no charge to enter, but the winner will receive a personalized jacket worth $175.00, courtesy of “William’s Insurance Agency.” Is this allowed under the rebate laws?

Yes. The maximum allowable value for prizes in connection with free drawings is $500.00.

These questions and answers provide general guidance with respect to producer, adjuster, and consultant licensing-related hearings. If you have specific questions, please contact the Bureau’s Licensing Attorney, at (207) 624-8429.

Is there a fee to request a hearing?

There is no fee to request a hearing.

Am I required to have a lawyer for the hearing?

No. You may represent yourself or hire an attorney to represent you. 

How long does a licensing hearing take?

The duration of the hearing depends upon the complexity of the issues involved and questions that may be posed by the Hearing Officer and Bureau Staff.

When will I know the results of the hearing?

Once the hearing is concluded, the Hearing Officer has 30 days in which to issue a written decision.

What kind of evidence should I present at the hearing?

The administrative action for which you are seeking a hearing (e.g., a revocation, a denial) will tell you what the Bureau of Insurance staff must prove at the hearing and if there is a burden of proof on you. The Bureau of Insurance and its staff cannot give you legal advice or act as your lawyer; however, you may wish to present evidence such as letters of recommendation or testimony from colleagues or supervisors.

What is a 1033 Waiver/Consent?

Federal law, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1033-1034, prohibits individuals with felony convictions involving dishonesty or breach of trust (“prohibited persons”) from “engaging in the business of insurance” without the written consent of an insurance regulatory official. The consent is often referred to as a “1033 waiver” or “1033 consent.”

What is the definition of "Business of Insurance"? 

Under 18 U.S.C. § 1033(f), the “business of insurance” means the writing of insurance, or the reinsuring of risks, by an insurer, including all acts necessary or incidental to such writing or reinsuring and the activities of persons who act as, or are, officers, directors, agents, or employees of insurers or who are other persons authorized to act on behalf of such persons.
This definition is broad and includes those individuals seeking licensure, but also applies to those who work for insurers or producer business entities.

If I want to apply for a Maine insurance license, do I need to apply for “1033 consent” before I apply for licensure? 

Yes. Resident applicants subject to 18 U.S.C. § 1033 are required to obtain written consent from the Maine Bureau of Insurance before any license application shall be considered. If the license application is submitted with or before the 1033 application, the Bureau will not make a determination on the license application until the 1033 consent has been granted.

Non-resident license applicants must first file for written consent in the applicant’s resident state and provide documentation showing that consent has been granted (or that 1033 consent is not required by the resident state).

Who must file the application for consent? 

The application must be filed by the applicant and contain all required elements as stated in the application.

I completed the application, what happens next?

Once the complete application is received by the Maine Bureau of Insurance, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) will review the application and determine if a hearing is required. If the Superintendent (or his/her designee) determines that granting the consent is consistent with the public interest and applicable law, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) will issue an order granting consent.

If a full hearing is required, correspondence will be sent to the applicant regarding scheduling the hearing. Section 1033 hearings are public and notice of the hearing will be posted on the Bureau’s website. At the hearing, the applicant has the burden of establishing that the applicant has been fully rehabilitated and no longer poses a risk or threat to insurance consumers or the insurer. The hearing officer must determine that the issuance of written consent to the applicant is consistent with the public interest, federal and state law and any applicable court orders.

At the hearing, the applicant will be under oath and may call witnesses and present evidence to demonstrate the applicant’s rehabilitation. Bureau staff may participate in the hearing as well. Once the hearing record has closed, the hearing officer will issue a decision within 30 days.

Am I required to have a lawyer for a 1033 hearing?

No. An applicant may represent themselves at the hearing or be represented by an attorney. 

Where do I send the completed 1033 Consent Application? 

All US Postal Service deliveries (including overnight express) must be addressed to:
34 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333 or they will be returned.

Please send private deliveries, such as FedEx and UPS, to the physical location:
76 Northern Ave., Gardiner, ME 04345.

Applications may also be submitted by email to

Please retain a copy of the application and attachments for your records.

How long does the 1033 Consent application process take?

Once a complete application is received, the Superintendent or his/her designee (hearing officer) will review the application and determine whether a formal hearing is necessary. If a hearing is not necessary, the decision may take up to 7-10 business days. If the hearing officer determines that a hearing is necessary, the applicant will receive communication from the Bureau regarding scheduling. It usually takes 14 days or more to schedule a hearing. Once the hearing is concluded, a decision will be issued within 30 days.

I have a felony conviction which may make me a “prohibited person,” but I have been working in insurance for many years. Do I need to get written 1033 consent?

Yes. Even if you are a current licensee, you must obtain written consent. 

Can I continue to sell insurance if I am already licensed and discover I am a prohibited person? 

No. Federal law(18 U.S.C. § 1033) does not provide an exemption for "Prohibited Persons" who currently hold insurance licenses.

I operate an insurance agency in Maine that employs dozens of producers. What is my responsibility?

It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure that any "Prohibited Person" who is currently employed or being considered for employment has received written consent from the Maine Bureau of Insurance or appropriate regulatory official.

I work for an agency scheduling appointments for licensed producers; I do not want to be an insurance agent. I have a felony conviction for forgery.  Do I need to apply for 1033 consent?

Yes. The definition of “business of insurance” is broad and includes all acts necessary or incidental to the writing of insurance by an insurer. If you are unsure about whether your position will necessitate written consent, you may contact the Bureau’s Licensing Division.

Once consent is granted, will it remain in effect indefinitely? 

No. If the conditions of the consent are not continually met, the consent may be withdrawn. The granting of consent by the Maine Bureau of Insurance is position-specific, so an applicant who is granted consent to work for one employer may not change employers without reapplying.

How do I contact the Licensing Section?