Young Drivers

The standard auto policy provides automatic coverage for any household family member or customary driver for your car; therefore, your insurer can include in your rating any licensed driver in your home. Under Maine law, the definition of "driver's license" includes a permit.

Insuring a teen driver can be costly, but there are ways to make it more affordable.

  • There are discounts available to reduce premiums for young drivers. Many insurers have a discount for driver education courses and/or offer a good student discount. These require you to provide documentation of the course, and ongoing documentation of good grades or honor roll status.

  • Carefully consider the type of car you will insure for your teen and obtain a quote from your insurer before purchasing. Sporty vehicles can have substantially higher insurance costs. In addition, a newer model vehicle will cost more to insure than an older model of the same make. For older cars, you may consider eliminating collision coverage.

  • Safe driving is the best way to keep the insurance premium down. Violations and accidents are especially costly for new drivers.

  • If you have a student attending school away from home without one of your vehicles, tell your insurer. Many companies have a discount for this situation if the school is 100 miles or more away from your home.

The Bureau of Motor Vehicles provides Information for Parents of Teens and a Driving Contract for new drivers and their parents. It may help to have responsibilities, expectations and financial contributions outlined from the start.