Rons Auto Sales - Cease and Desist Order prohibiting the Offering or Issuing of Consumer Credit

June 25, 2010

1) WHEREAS Ron?s Auto Sales of 388 Tandberg Trail, Windham, Maine offered consumer credit during the years 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009; and

2) WHEREAS a compliance examination conducted in 2008 by the state credit regulator, the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection, revealed multiple violations of truth-in-lending and other laws and regulations; and

3) WHEREAS a second examination in 2010 revealed similar violations; and

4) WHEREAS the finance manager of Ron?s Auto Sales told an agent of the Maine Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection on June 3, 2010 that the dealership had surrendered its motor vehicle sales license to the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles on May 15, 2010;

NOW THEREFORE the Superintendent of the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection issues the following ORDER:

1) Ron?s Auto Sales, in that name or in any other name, including the names listed on the caption of this Order (those names being derived from lien records on file with the State of Maine), is prohibited from offering or accepting consumer credit transactions relating to the automobile transactions, subject to paragraphs 2 and 3 below.

2) If the motor vehicle sales license for Ron?s Auto Sales is reinstated by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Ron?s Auto Sales shall reapply with the Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection for permission to offer and issue consumer credit. That application must be accompanied by all necessary consumer contracts and consumer disclosure forms as well as a written quality control program demonstrating how Ron?s Auto Sales intends to offer credit under terms, conditions and procedures that are compliant with Maine and federal credit laws.

3) This Order shall be vacated only after the Bureau compliance staff is satisfied as to the completeness of the quality control program and the ability of Ron?s Auto Sales to perform under that plan.

It is so ORDERED.


Any party aggrieved by this decision may appeal to the Superior Court pursuant to 9-A MRSA ?6-108(1) and 5 MRSA ?1001 et seq., as applicable, within 30 days of receipt of this decision. Any other person aggrieved shall have 40 days from the date the decision was rendered to petition for review.

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