WHEREAS, thousands of adults in Maine are in need of assistance in order to qualify for better-paying or more fulfilling jobs, to achieve a post-secondary education, or to improve their English language skills; and
WHEREAS, success in these endeavors leads to these adults becoming more effective family members, citizens, and workers; and
WHEREAS, Maine’s 70 public school adult education programs exist to assist Mainers seeking to become job-ready, advance in the workplace, prepare for a post-secondary education, or increase their literacy in the English language; and
WHEREAS, adult education can often provide this assistance in a more cost-effective manner than other educational alternatives through a decentralized system that is within financial and geographic reach of anyone in the State of Maine; and
WHEREAS, adult education students vary in age, background, ethnicity, and aspirations; and
WHEREAS, Maine is dedicated to helping these students achieve the skills they need to expand their future career and educational opportunities;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that I, Janet T. Mills, Governor of the State of Maine, do hereby recognize the week of September 18th through 22nd, 2023 as
Adult Education and Family Literacy Week
throughout the State of Maine, and I urge all citizens to recognize this observance.
In testimony whereof, I have caused the Great Seal of the State to be hereunto affixed GIVEN under my hand at Augusta this thirteenth day of September Two Thousand Twenty Three