The Courage and Commitment to Make Hard Choices on Behalf of Maine People

Hello, this is Governor Janet Mills, and thank you for listening.

Well, earlier this week, I delivered my State of the Budget Address to a joint session of the Maine Legislature. I shared with the lawmakers an account of where the state budget stands. Telling it straight - so our discussions can start with a common understanding of our challenges.

Well, it wasn't easy to put this budget together, but this proposal is balanced. It continues to invest in things we all support, like education, revenue sharing, public safety, higher ed and school meals.

Now, I've already heard some lawmakers criticizing the budget before it was even printed. "No tax increases," some said. "No program cuts," from others. I told my Democratic friends that I know that they don't want to see programs cut. I know many of them would prefer to see us raise income or sales taxes to avoid reductions whatsoever. But Democrats also know that their Republican colleagues on the other side of the aisle don't want to do that.

I told my Republican friends, I know some of them don't want to raise any revenues, even in a targeted way. I know the Republicans would prefer to cut more programs to bridge the gap and avoid any and all revenue increases. But Republicans also know that their Democratic colleagues generally don't want to do that.

So where do they go from here?

Look, it's easy to stand in front of a TV camera and say “No!” It's easy to fire off social media posts and feel good as the "likes" roll in.

But during my address Tuesday, I encouraged both parties to reserve judgment and not create barriers to compromise. That's not what people expect. I told them it's harder to do the work of sitting around the table, putting forward their own ideas, hearing what folks on all sides have to say, and then coming to consensus, and enacting balanced public policy. Whether they're Democrat, or Republican, or Independent, I hope that is how lawmakers approach these conversations: in good faith, with good ideas, with civility, and with an open mind to the views of others, and ultimately with the commitment and courage to make hard choices on behalf of all of you, the people of Maine.

While it's true we have some tough decisions in the coming weeks and months, we should not lose sight of the strengths of our state and the strengths of our people. We have clean air, clean water, good schools and yes, safe streets, healthy forests and farms, and clear lakes, and fish-filled rivers, and sturdy waterfronts. A strong economy with rewarding jobs, and a state that people want to visit in every season. These aren't little things, but we have them all. I ask lawmakers to use this session to protect the things that make us special and keep our state on a stable fiscal course.

I told them when we hear anger and acrimony, we ought to remember the words of our old friend Dave Mallet, who told us that things, especially things in Maine, are “better than that.”

I see faces and I hear voices across every county, town and city, in every corner of the state, looking to us to manage the finances of the state, to work with civil purpose, to solve problems, to create hope and prosperity, to keep people safe, and to preserve the things that make our state so special.

We've shown before that Democrats, Republicans. and Independents, can all put their heads together and get good results. I'm ready to work with lawmakers in the coming months on a budget that is balanced, that is fiscally responsible, that invites investment, and that strengthens our economy and lifts up our greatest asset of all: you, the people of Maine.

This is Governor Janet Mills, and thank you for listening.