"I know that the people of Lewiston are enduring immeasurable pain. I wish I could take that pain from you, but I promise you this, we will all help you carry this grief. I ask Maine people to join me in offering our comfort to the families and friends who have lost someone and in offering our prayers for a swift recovery to the people who are healing in Maine hospitals today."Governor Janet Mills
Help for victims and families
- The Maine Resiliency Center is now open in Lewiston. The Center offers a place of healing and support to individuals and families impacted by the mass shooting in Lewiston on October 25th and the aftermath of the tragedy. This includes anyone present at the shootings, family, friends, and loved ones, first responders and medical personnel, and any member of the larger community who feels impacted by these events.
- The Center is located at 184 Main Street in Lewiston, with direct access via the catwalk on the third floor of the parking garage behind the building at 26 Chapel Street.
- The Center is open weekdays with walk-in hours from 12-5pm. Additional planned activities, programming, and private appointments will also be offered outside of walk-in hours.
- To contact the Maine Resiliency Center, please visit its website, maineresiliencycenter.org, call 207-515-3930, or follow on Facebook and Instagram.
- The Central Maine Medical Center Compassionate Care Fund for Trauma Response and Support.has been established after the Lewiston mass shooting tragedy. Email giving@cmhc.org for more information.
- The Maine Community Foundation, a registered 501(c)3, has created the Lewiston-Auburn Area Response Fund to address current and emerging needs associated with this tragedy. With MaineCF as a conduit, 100% of every dollar donated will be allocated to people impacted and the organizations that will help guide Lewiston-Auburn through the process of healing.
- The City of Lewiston and Androscoggin Bank have established the City of Lewiston Support Fund. Cash donations are being accepted at Androscoggin Bank locations as well.
- Lewiston Public Schools has opened a donation portal to support student needs. The donation link is available on the LPS website.
- The University of Maine System has established a tuition waiver to enable eligible victims and family members to pursue a bachelor’s degree at Maine’s public universities at no cost. Additionally, UMS has established a Lewiston Strong Scholarship Fund to assist with the non-tuition college costs (room, board, books, etc.) of those affected by the mass shooting. Donations to the fund can be made at our.umaine.edu/lewiston or usm.maine.edu/lewistonstrong.
- United Way of Androscoggin County's Community Fund: The UWAC is the United Way in Maine that covers the Lewiston region. Their Community Fund is used to support community partners providing mental health services and other critical needs.
- LA Metro Chamber Foundation: All donations will be collected and shared with organizations responding to the greatest need and supporting EMS workers. Specify Foundation in the drop-down after entering your contact information on the second page.
- MaineResponds.org: If you have experience in public and/or behavioral health, you are encouraged to register at MaineResponds.org if you wish to volunteer to support the response to the Lewiston tragedy.
- The Maine Volunteer Lawyers Project is offering legal supports to victims and families regarding probate, estate, family law and guardianship. Pine Tree Legal is offering support for legal needs around public benefits, debt concerns, tenant rights, taxes, foreclosures, and education.
- USDA Rural Development can offer home loan assistance to those directly affected by the Lewiston tragedy. Those who have mortgages or home repair loans from USDA are encouraged to reach out to their local office if they were directly impacted by the shootings or lost work as a result. They can call the Lewiston Area Office at 207-753-9400 (ext. 4) from 8-4:30 Mon-Fri for assistance, or learn more on the Rural Development website (PDF).
Mental health supports
The Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) encourages anyone affected by the violence in Lewiston to reach out and connect with behavioral health support. Incidents of mass violence can lead to a range of emotional reactions, including anxiety, fear, anger, despair, and a sense of helplessness that may begin immediately or in the days or weeks following the event.
- Maine DHHS has created a webpage with these and other resources, including online support and resources for children and families.
- A printable factsheet is also available here as a PDF.
- For organizations and communities:
- Maine DHHS has launched an online form for communities and organizations to request special behavioral health support, such as on-site mental health clinics, or assistance tailored for specific communities. The form is open to any organization in the state of Maine and offers connections to mental health counseling, crisis and trauma support, victim support, school-based support, employee assistance, and psychological first aid.
For individuals in need of immediate support:
Call or text 988: This suicide and behavioral health crisis hotline is answered 24 hours a day, seven days a week by trained crisis specialists offering free, confidential support for anyone. Specialists also can respond by chat at 988lifeline.org. Information for the deaf and hard of hearing is available here.
Teens and young adults can text (207) 515-8398: The National Alliance on Mental Illness Teen Text Line connects youth with other youth to help them manage their challenges every day from noon to 10 p.m.
Clinicians, educators and first responders can call 1-800-769-9819: The FrontLine WarmLine offers free support services to help these professionals manage the stress of responding to disasters from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., seven days a week.
If you’re unsure, contact 211. It provides general information, including how to access behavioral health and social service resources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Information can also be found at 211maine.org.
All of these resources provide free, confidential support.