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Maine GeoLibrary Services
GIS web services permit the consumption of spatial data in GIS and other applications. The Maine GeoLibrary delivers GIS web services in commonly recognized industry standard formats and interface types (REST, SOAP, JSON...), as well as OGC-compliant standard services types (WMS, WFS, WCS). The GeoLibrary Services Directory is located at the following URL:
MaineDOT Basemap Service
The Maine Department of Transportation maintains a tiled map service, suitable for for use as a basemap for your GIS projects:
Address Geocoding Services
Geocode addresses against the NG911 roads data and returns UTM coordinates https://arcgisserver.maine.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NG911_Rds_Locator/GeocodeServer
Geocodes addresses against the NG911 points data - not complete statewide https://arcgisserver.maine.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NG911_Pts_Locator/GeocodeServer