- What entities are eligible to join the Partnership?
All municipal and tribal governments and unorganized territories in Maine are eligible to enroll in the Partnership, either individually or as part of a regional group, and apply for Community Action Grants.
Service provider organizations are eligible to apply for Service Provider Grants and assist communities with enrolling in the Partnership. The list of eligible types of service provider organizations can be found on the Grant Opportunities page.
- What are the benefits of enrolling in the Partnership?
Tackling climate change is not easy. The Community Resilience Partnership offers many kinds of support for communities who are enrolled regardless of size, capacity, and previous experience with climate-related projects:
- The enrollment process is designed to help communities take stock of their current activities and identify a few next steps based on their priorities. Two tools, the Community Resilience Self-Evaluation and the List of Community Actions, help structure early conversations and can illuminate potential near-term projects.
- Once enrolled, communities are eligible to apply for Community Action Grants to undertake additional planning efforts or to implement the priorities identified during enrollment. These grants are offered twice a year.
- In addition to grants, enrolled communities have access to a Regional Coordinator who can help with developing future project ideas and then aid researching and applying for grants, especially federal grants.
- Enrolled communities may participate in training sessions hosted by the Regional Coordinators as well as peer-learning and networking opportunities regionally and statewide.
- The enrollment process is designed to help communities take stock of their current activities and identify a few next steps based on their priorities. Two tools, the Community Resilience Self-Evaluation and the List of Community Actions, help structure early conversations and can illuminate potential near-term projects.
- How is the Partnership funded?
The source of funding for these grants is the biennial state budget, so applicants are strongly encouraged to utilize Community Action Grants as matching funds for federal grants. Community Action Grants may also be used to close funding gaps for projects utilizing funding sources from other state programs.
Community Action Grants may be used to augment other state funding opportunities, such as Efficiency Maine’s rebate programs. However, the applicant must demonstrate that the other source of funding has been or will be maximized before funding from a Community Action Grant is allowed. For example, a town wishing to purchase an electric vehicle or upgrade to energy efficient LED lighting must demonstrate that Efficiency Maine’s incentives are being applied first to the project budget.
- Is there a list of example projects that are eligible for grant funds?
The Partnership includes a List of Community Actions that align with the strategies of Maine Won’t Wait. The list of actions provides direction to communities looking to get started and is organized by Maine Won’t Wait Strategy Areas. No-match Climate Action Grants are available to support implementation of activities from the List of Climate Actions.
Other climate and energy activities that are not on the List of Community Actions but are identified by the community as priorities are also eligible for grants; these grants will have local match requirements.
See a list of projects that have been previously awarded Community Actions Grants.
- How long do the grants last?
Community Action Grants are available for up to 2 years, depending on the scope of work proposed in the application.
Service provider grants are available for up to 1 year, however service providers are encouraged to prepare communities for the earliest possible enrollment.
- Can my community or regional group apply for multiple projects at once?
All of the actions on the List of Community Actions – from planning projects to developing ordinances to capital improvements – are eligible for no-match Community Action Grants. Communities are encouraged to combine multiple related actions from the Inventory into a single application.
- My community has already taken significant actions on climate resilience. Are we eligible?
Communities that have already taken significant climate action should review their past activities, complete the two self-assessments, provide documentation of a qualifying community workshop, pass or amend a resolution, and submit an enrollment form in order to participate in the program.
- My community needs assistance to identify projects or priorities. Where do we start?
Communities that are still in the early stages of planning for climate action may choose to complete the three enrollment activities on their own but will find benefits to working with a service provider and neighboring communities through the Service Provider Grants.
To help communities find a service provider, this is a list of organizations that are interested in supporting communities.
Communities that are already enrolled in the Partnership can seek additional support from one of four Regional Coordinators for help with project development, as well as grant research and grant writing, especially for federal grants.
- My organization is a service provider helping communities to enroll in the program. Can we apply for Community Action Grants?
Communities are strongly encouraged to be the primary applicants for Community Action Grants. However, recognizing that very small communities in Maine may not be able to manage grants, Service Providers may apply on behalf of a community, or group of communities, only for actions on the List of Community Actions. Letters of support must be provided from each community.
- What if my community has not completed many of the activities listed in the Community Resilience Self-Evaluation and the List of Community Actions?
The self-evaluation and list of actions are intended to help communities identify opportunities and next steps. Consider reaching out to a Service Provider in your region if you need help prioritizing your next steps.
The results of your self-assessments will not impact grant scoring or awards.
- Are the presentation materials saved from the Spring 2023 Communities Leading on Climate Conference?
Communities Leading on Climate 2023 Conference Wrap-Up
The Community Resilience Partnership held the second annual Communities Leading on Climate Conference on May 11, 2023 at Wells Conference Center in Orono. Community leaders from across Maine presented on the vital actions and accomplishments they have completed as part of the Partnership. The event included panel discussions and Q&A with these community leaders to give other communities and organizations the opportunity to learn and connect, gaining the tools they need to take action and increase resiliency in their own communities.
View the presenter's slides from each conference session: Welcome and Scientific Assessment; Session I: Growing Public EV Charging Networks; Session II: Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Session III:Resilient Communities and Climate-Ready Infrastructure; Final Remarks and Community Resilience Partnership Grant Information
View a video highlighting some of the communities in the Partnership.
Download a directory of state and federal agencies that tabled at the conference.