A solid understanding of instructional technology is essential for interdisciplinary student-centered learning. With that understanding, teachers can create lessons that engage students through collaboration and creativity while preparing them for a future that will rely on critical thinking skills and clear communication.
This is designed to be an introduction to the SAMR model of technology integration. If you are familiar with SAMR or any other model (TPACK, TIM, PICRAT) then the first section of the module can be quickly reviewed.

- The SAMR model of technology integration
The SAMR model of technology integration
- Take a moment to reflect on your current practice. Where on the SAMR model do you think you fall?
- Use a piece of paper* or this Jamboard to brainstorm activities you currently do and how they could be enhanced with technology.
*The Jamboard has useful resources, so if you choose to handwrite this, open the Jamboard too to use as a reference.
- Assessing an application
Assessing the application
- Use this Google Sheet checklist or print this PDF to use as a data point for vetting the app you chose above.
If the application will work for your learning goals, you can move on to the next step. If it doesn't, then refer back to the SAMR Student Choice Matrix on the Jamboard above.
- Rolling the application out.
Make a roll out plan
- Resources
Kathy Bertini
Interdisciplinary Instruction Coordinator
Phone: (207) 816-0294
Email: Kathy.Bertini@maine.gov