WIC Nutrition Program News

Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts

All Recalls Press releases about recalled products issued within the last 60 days are published on link provided with the most recent press release displayed at the top of the list. View press releases by product area, please select the Food, Drugs, Animal Health, Biologics or Medical Devices.


Keeping Your Food and Water Safe during Floods, Hurricanes, and Power Outages

With the power outages and flooding resulting from hurricane Sandy, consumers, retail and food service operators, food processers, and farmers all may need to take steps to ensure that their food is safe to eat. To assist both consumers and industry, FDA has consolidated its advice on keeping food and water safe in the event of floods, hurricanes, and power outages.

FDA encourages everyone to visit its website and to take the necessary steps to ensure their food and water is safe to consume. For consolidated information for consumers and industry, please see Floods, Hurricanes & Power Outages: Keeping Food and Water Safe.
