Your Building Permit Application

building construction in the UT image

Except for accessory structures that meet LUPC standards, building a new house or camp, or expanding an existing residential structure generally requires a building permit from the LUPC. We have several resources that may be helpful to you.

Help Speed the Process Check These Frequently Missed Items

Appropriate application fee +

If you are unsure of the fee, please contact the LUPC Regional Representative for your area. See instructions for this question on page 4. Building Permit Application, Question 9.

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Lot coverage +

The amount of lot coverage on the property must be included in the block after Lot Size and is often missed. See instructions for this question on page i. Building Permit Application, Question 1.

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Land division history +

This is a block in Question 1 where you trace the ownership history of the property. Building Permit Application, Question 1.

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Existing structures and uses +

Please include a complete listing of all existing structures and uses on the property, including driveways and parking areas. Building Permit Application, Question 2.

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Year built for structures and uses +

The second column of the table for Question 2 must be completed to show the year built for each structure and use. Building Permit Application, Question 2.

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Permanent foundations +

If you are proposing a new permanent foundation for any structure, please make sure you check the box for permanent foundation in the table for Question 3. Building Permit Application Question 3.

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Written permission from the landowner +

If you lease the property for the proposed project, you may need to submit written permission from the landowner. Building Permit Application Exhibit B.

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HHE-200 form +

If a new or expanded sewage disposal system is needed for your project, you must submit a signed HHE-200 form with the application. Building Permit Application Exhibit E.

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Get Your Building Permit Application