LD 1294 MHRC Homelessness Pilot Project
On March 19, 2020, Maine’s Governor signed into law a bill (Legislative Document 1294) directing the Commission to conduct a two-year program assessing and reporting to the Maine Legislature how often people in Maine are discriminated against because of homelessness. Starting on July 1, 2020, the Commission can receive and review (and investigate when resources allow) complaints about discrimination based on homelessness. That includes a complaint that a person was turned down for a job or housing, because they are, were, or were perceived to be homeless. It also includes a complaint that a person was harassed or excluded from a place of public accommodation, or that their access to or enjoyment of a place of public accommodation was adversely affected, because they are, were, or were perceived to be homeless. Note: the Maine Human Rights Act does not make it unlawful to discriminate based on homelessness.
If you believe that within the past 300 days you have been discriminated against based on homelessness and/or any other protected class in employment, housing, or public accommodation, you may file a complaint with our office. You can find our electronic intake form here: https://mainehumanrightscommission.formstack.com/forms/intakes_2024.
** If you need us to mail you an intake form, require an accommodation for a disability, or an interpreter/translation for limited English proficiency, let us know at (207) 624-6290 or info@mhrc.maine.gov *