Maine Human Rights Commission
#51 State House Station | Augusta, ME 04333
PHONE: 207.624.6290 | Fax: 207.624.8729 | TTY: Maine Relay 711
PUBLIC ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS: The Commission does not accept walk-in visitors. Please contact us at 624-6290 if you need an accommodation. Public window is open daily 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily.
Business location for appointments: 19 Union Street, 2nd Floor, Augusta ME 04330. 2nd floor directions: Access by elevator: take a left off the elevator - OR - Access by stairs: take a right off the stairs.
An accessible public entrance and parking lot is located behind the 19 Union Street building.
Updated September 2022:
- We are currently accept visitors, by appointment only, please see instructions above.
- We are accepting physical mail deliveries.
- We have a dropbox on the 2nd Floor for no contact deliveries.
- We have limited the number of employees working on site, for the safety of staff that have job responsibilities that require being physically present in the office. [more Covid Info]