Community Resilience Working Group

The Community Resilience Working Group will evaluate and recommend short- and long-term strategies and actions for adaptation and resiliency to climate change, as well as short- and long-term mitigation strategies to reduce gross and net annual greenhouse gas emissions. For meeting details, agendas, minutes, and handouts, please visit our meeting calendar and search for this working group.

Working Group Members


  • Judy East, Bureau of Resource Information and Land Use Planning, MDACF
  • Anne Fuchs, Maine Emergency Management Agency
  • Rebecca Boulos, Maine Public Health Association


Andrew Barton, University of Maine at Farmington
Jeremy Bell, The Nature Conservancy
Noël Bonam, AARP Maine
Lance Boucher, American Lung Association
Alsina Brenenstuhl, Piscataquis County Emergency Management Agency
Kirsten Brewer, Volunteer Maine-Maine Climate Corps
Jessica Brunacini, Maine Sea Grant/Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
Howard Carter, City of Saco
Amanda Collamore, Maine State Legislature
Margaret Craven, Maine State Legislature
Tim Doak, Northern Light Health
Andy Dorr, Town of Damariscotta
Heather Dumais, Maine Emergency Management Agency
Michael Durkin, Cumberland County Emergency Management Agency
Parker Gassett, University of Maine
Nancy Hasenfus, retired physician
Charlie Hebson, Maine Department of Transportation
Craig Hickman, Maine State Legislature
Corrie Hunkler, Healthy Acadia
Eileen Johnson, Bowdoin College
Nan Johnson, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Tora Johnson, University of Maine/Sunrise County Economic Council
Kohl Kanwit, Maine Department of Marine Resources
Dennis Kiley, EcoPsychology Initiative
Taylor LaBrecque, Maine Department of Transportation
Kathleen Leyden, Maine Department of Marine Resources
Marianne Moore, Maine State Legislature
Ainsley Morrison, Bowdoin College
Jim Nadeau, Nadeau Land Surveys
Keyana Pardilla, Wabanaki Public Health and Wellness
Jessie Perkins, Bethel Area Chamber of Commerce
Emily Rabbe, Lincoln County Regional Planning Commission
Chloe Shields, New England Environmental Finance Center
Abbie Sherwin, Southern Maine Planning and Development Commission
Pete Slovinsky, Maine Geological Survey
Charlie Soltan, Soltan Bass, LLC
Marla Stelk, National Association of Wetland Managers
Puthiery Va, Maine CDC
Leticia VanVuuren, Knox County Emergency Management Agency
Samantha Grela, City of Portland
Kate Warner, Maine Rural Water Association
Stephanie Welch, Island Institute