May 29, 2024 Commission Meeting

Agenda (153.23 KB)
Minutes (131.64 KB)

1. Ratification of the Minutes of the March 27, April 18, and May 8, 2024 Meetings

Motion: To adopt the minutes as presented.
Made by: Commissioner Marble
Seconded by: Commissioner Hastings
Vote: 4-0

2. Late Registration and Reporting - Referendum in Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor

Due to a 2023 law change, persons raising or spending more than $5,000 to influence a municipal ballot question (BQC) in a town or city with a population of less than 15,000 must register with the Commission and file campaign finance reports. In response to a complaint, at its April 18, 2024 meeting the Commission authorized department staff to investigate groups that were financially active in supporting and opposing an April 24, 2024 school construction referendum in the Boothbay region. Staff will report back to the Commission on its findings that Citizens for a Bright Future for the Boothbay Region should have registered and filed a report as a BQC. Staff recommendation: staff recommends findings of violation and penalties totaling $300 against Citizens for a Bright Future for the Boothbay Region and taking no action on the other groups investigated.

Motion: To find the Citizens for a Bright Future filed their registration late, filed their initial campaign finance report late and lacked the proper disclaimer on their lawn signs.
Made by: Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

Motion: To assess a total of $300 in fines, $250 for the late initial campaign finance report and $50 for the lack of disclaimers on the lawn signs.
Made by: Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

3. Request for Waiver of Late-Filing Penalty – Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund

The Planned Parenthood Maine Action Fund PAC (PPMAF) was required to file an Independent Expenditure Report by April 27, 2024 in connection with printed literature supporting a primary election candidate. The PAC filed the report 14 days late because a staff person who had unexpectedly taken over handling campaign finance reports entered the wrong transaction type and did not complete the process of filing the report. The preliminary penalty is $733.60. PPMAF requests a waiver of the penalty. Staff recommendation: staff recommends reducing the penalty to $400.

Motion: To reduce the penalty to $400.
Made by: Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

4. Late PAC Registration by Bangor Fire Fighters PAC Fund

Political action committees (PACs) registered with the Commission are required by statute to submit an updated electronic registration by March 1st of each election year. In February-March, Commission staff sent four emails to PACs urging them to log into the eFiling site, review their committee details, make any necessary changes, and amend (refile) the registration. The Bangor Fire Fighters PAC Fund did not update its registration until March 11, 2024. Staff recommendation: the Commission staff recommends a finding of violation and assessment of a $250 penalty.

Motion: To find the updated registration was filed late and assess a $0 penalty.
Made by: Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

5. Unregistered Legislative Candidate – Hon. Joseph Galletta - UPDATE

State Representative Joseph Galletta qualified as a candidate for reelection on March 13, 2024. Commission staff has made multiple attempts to contact him by phone and letter requesting that he register as a candidate. Rep. Galletta is in a contested primary election on June 11, 2024. Failure to register as a candidate prevents him from electronically filing campaign finance reports, which is a separate legal requirement. Staff recommendation: staff recommends finding Rep. Galletta in violation of 21-A M.R.S. § 1013-A(l)(A) and assessing a $100 penalty against him.

Motion: To assess a penalty of $100.
Made by: Commissioner Hastings
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

6. Rulemaking - Election Spending by Foreign Governments

In January 2024, the Commission decided to invite comments on proposed rule amendments to implement a citizen-initiated law concerning foreign government influence in Maine elections. At its March 27, 2024 meeting, the Commission decided to invite additional comments on revised amendments recommended by staff in consultation with counsel. The Commission will consider comments received and decide whether to adopt the amendments.

Motion: To adopt the rules with the amendments to become effective if and only if the district court permits the law to be enforced.
Made by: Commissioner Schneider
Seconded by: Commissioner Marble
Vote: 4-0

Executive Session (if necessary)

Other Business


Motion: To adjourn.
Made by: Commissioner Marble
Seconded by: Commissioner Hastings
Vote: 4-0