Special Topic Series - Understanding and Addressing Word-Level Reading Problems

David A. Kilpatrick, PhD is a professor of psychology for the State University of New York College at Cortland. He is a New York State certified school psychologist with 28 years’ experience in schools. He has been teaching courses in learning disabilities and educational psychology since 1994. David is a reading researcher and the author of two books on reading, Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, and Equipped for Reading Success, and is a co-editor of a third, Reading Development and Difficulties: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Practice. David Kilpatrick’s website Equipped for Reading Success can be found at https://www.equippedforreadingsuccess.com/.

David Kilpatrick is also the developer of the PAST (Phonemic Awareness Screener Test) which is included in his book Equipped for Reading Success and is used to monitor student progress. The Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST) is a valid and reliable assessment of phonological awareness that takes 5-8 minutes to administer. You can download the PAST for free at http://thepasttest.com/

On March 1, 2023 Dr. David Kilpatrick led a webinar for the Special Topics Series that addressed how children learn to read words and why some children struggle.  He discussed the nature of word-level reading development and how word-level reading problems can guide instruction and intervention and understanding how reading works and why some students struggle, illustrating other approaches to intervention that can yield very large reading gains for such students. 

Dr. David Kilpatrick shared a copy of his presentation slides.

If you have additional questions please email Anne-Marie Adamson, anne-marie.adamson@maine.gov.