MLTI has created Enrollment Pools at key locations around the state. These pools of unallocated devices are made available to local MLTI participating schools, and are used to cover enrollment changes during the term of a school's participation. Enrollment pools may also be used as locations for schools to return devices that are not needed to serve a school's enrollment (excess devices).
Apple Device Enrollment Pools are located in:
1. Auburn
2. Augusta
3. Bangor
4. Camden
5. Charlotte
6. Ellsworth
7. South Portland
The Enrollment Pool for HP devices is in Augusta at the Department of Education.
Please do not pick up or drop off devices at an enrollment pool without prior direction from the MLTI Project Office.
If you need an additional device, please use the Online Request Form. If enrollment at your school has changed, leaving an excess of devices, contact the MLTI Project Office. In both situations, directions will be given on how to proceed.