Maine DOE & University of Maine System Launch TeachMaine Scholarship Program for Summer 2024

Program Overview
The Department of Education is excited to announce a new scholarship program for educators who would like to enroll in summer coursework and earn credits toward full teacher certification. The TeachMaine Scholarship, launched in partnership with the University of Maine System, will cover the tuition costs for educators who complete qualifying coursework through a University of Maine campus this summer. After reviewing the information below, interested participants are invited to sign up with the University of Maine system via this webform.
Eligible Participants
To be eligible for this scholarship program, a participant must be a Maine resident who either:
(1) Currently holds a Conditional Certification for teaching, or
(2) Currently holds an Emergency Certification for teaching, or
(3) Has submitted (or updated) an application for teaching certification to the Maine Educator Information System (MEIS) since July 1, 2019, or
(4) Submits an application for teaching certification to MEIS before signing up for courses.
How the Program Works
Eligible participants (see above) may fill out an application form with the University of Maine System (direct link) to express interest in utilizing the TeachMaine Scholarship program to take up to four of the qualifying courses from the list below. Each participant will pay any applicable registration, application, or materials fees. Upon successful completion of their coursework, the Department of Education will cover the cost of tuition and will send those funds directly to the University of Maine System.
Qualifying Courses
There are many courses which qualify for the TeachMaine scholarship, designed to address the cultural diversity, exceptionalities, human development, or methods requirements for teaching certification as defined in State Board of Education Rule Chapter 115. (Please note that "methods" courses will only count toward certification requirements if the methods course corresponds with the subject/grade levels for which an applicant is seeking certification.)
To view all qualifying course options, please click through the pages of the table below, or utilize the available search box to look for a specific campus or certification requirement. .
UMS Campus | Course Designator | Course Title | Certification Requirement |
UMF | EDU 285 | Diversity Issues in Education | Cultural Diversity |
UMaine | EHD 202 | Education in a Multicultural Society | Cultural Diversity |
UMaine | ERL 531 | Linguistic Diversity, Multilingualism, and the Classroom | Cultural Diversity |
UMPI | EDU 153 | Special Foundations of Education in a Diverse World | Cultural Diversity |
UMPI | OLS 530 | Globalization and Diversity | Cultural Diversity |
USM | EDU 562 | Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Classroom | Cultural Diversity |
UMF | SED 300 | Including Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | Exceptionalities |
UMPI | EDU 287 | Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Classrooms | Exceptionalities |
USM | SED 540 | Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | Exceptionalities |
USM | SED 235 | Students with Exceptionalities in General Education | Exceptionalities |
UMF | PSY 225 | Child & Adolescent Development | Human Development |
UMaine | CHF 201 | Introduction to Child Development | Human Development |
UMaine | CHF 433 | Adolescence | Human Development |
UMaine | EHD 203 | Educational Psychology | Human Development |
UMPI | EDU 210 | Introduction to Pedagogy | Human Development |
UMPI | PSY 205 | Lifespan Development | Human Development |
USM | EDU 225 | Multicultural Child & Adolescent Development | Human Development |
USM | EDU 509 | Child and Adolescent Development for Equitable Education | Human Development |
USM | SPY 501 | Variability in Human Development | Human Development |
UMaine | EHD 504 | Teaching and Assessing for Student Learning in the Secondary School | Methods (Subject Focused) |
UMaine | ELL 570 | Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language | Methods (660) |
USM | EDU 559 | Methods for Teaching Reading and Writing to Multilingual Learners | Methods (660) |
USM | EDU 560 | Methods and Approaches in TESOL | Methods (660) |
UMA | EDU 387 | Teaching the Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom | Exceptionalities |
UMA | EDU 366W | Childrens & Young Adult Literature | Methods (020 & 029) |
UMA | EDU 200W | Diversity, Poverty, & Cultural Competence | Cultural Diversity |
UMA | EDU 210W | Dimension of Literacy | Methods (020) |
UMA | EDU 335E | Serving Multilingual Learners | Cultural Diversity |
UMaine | SED 502 | Strategies for Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Students with Disabilities | Cultural Diversity (282) |
UMaine | SED 510 | Teaching Early Childhood Special Education | Exceptionalities (081 & 282B) |
UMaine | SED 544 | Math Methods in Special Education | Methods (282) |
UMaine | PSY 224 | Psychology of Adolescence | Human Development |
UMaine | SED 500 | Adapting Instruction for Students with Disabilities | Exceptionalities |
UMaine | HUD 521 | Science as Inquiry: Teaching Young Children | Methods (029 & 081) |
UMaine | EHD 501 | Sociocultural Contexts of Education: History, Diversity, & Cultural Multiculturalism | Cultural Diversity |
UMF | SED 507 | Curriculum & Instructional Programming for Students with Disabilities | Methods (282) |
UMF | EDU 502 | Second Language Acquisition | Cultural Diversity |
UMF | EDU 503 | Culturally Responsive ESOL Pedagogy & Teaching Methodology | Cultural Diversity or Methods (660) |
UMPI | EDU 351 | Elementary Reading Methods | Methods (220) |
UMPI | EDU 354 | Early Childhood Literacy & Language Development | Methods (029 & 081) |
UMPI | EDU 360 | Science for the Young Child | Methods (029 & 081) |
UMPI | EDU 361 | Elementary Science Methods | Methods (020) |
UMPI | EDU 366 | Elementary Math Methods | Methods (020) |
UMPI | EDU 367 | Numeracy for the Young Child | Methods (029 & 081) |
UMPI | EDU 371 | Elementary Social Studies Methods | Methods (020) |
UMPI | EDU 372 | Social Studies for the Young Child | Methods (029 & 081) |
UMPI | EDU 357 | Children's Literature | Methods (020, 029, & 081) |
UMPI | EDU 364 | Content Area Literacy | Methods (020) |
UMPI | EDU/SED 435 | Program Planning & Curricular Adaptation for Exceptional Learners | Exceptionalities |
UMPI | EDU/SED 345 | Special Education in Early Childhood | Exceptionalities (081 & 282B) |
Note: For courses with a certification area listed (e.g. "(660)"), the course would only apply to the Chapter 115 requirements in that specific certification area.
Sign Up Today
To sign up for the TeachMaine Scholarship, please apply with the University of Maine System via this online form.