Introduction to Learning Transfer

Welcome to the asynchronous module, Introduction to Learning Transfer.  At your own pace, read through the article and blog, watch the short video clip, and reflect on connections to your own practice.  This module is approximately 1 hour in length and can be completed in one sitting or in smaller parts.  When you have competed the module, click the link to the questionnaire in the box to the right.  After successfully submitting the questionnaire, your contact hour certificate will automatically be emailed to the address provided in the questionnaire.  If you should have any questions about this process or the content in this module, please contact Kathy Bertini at  

Teaching for Learning Transfer

As we prepare students to enter a world of work where the jobs they will do may not yet exist, we must intentionally provide instruction that moves students from surface, to deep, to transfer of learning. We identify the concepts that are the primary purpose of the learning goals, create the conditions for transfer of learning.

Consider keeping a digital learning journal to chart your learning and document your study.


Assignment #1:

Begin by reading this article from Learning Solutions Magazine.

Can they do it in the real world?

After you read the article, examine your current or next unit of study and describe what students might apply to a real-world situation as a result of the learning experience.


Assignment #2:

Explore this website about surface, deep and transfer learning. Compare strategies in each of the three columns. Why are there fewer strategies in the transfer column? 

Watch the video (6:19) about the Jigsaw Method from Jenifer Gonzalez, The Cult of Pedagogy

Then explore one of the resources provided in the deep learning column. 

In your learning journal, explain the difference between surface and deep learning. What strategies do you use that support surface to deep learning? Describe one strategy provided in this resource that you would like to try and how you will include it in an upcoming lesson or unit.


Assignment #3:

Watch this brief video

Conceptual Understanding and Learning Transfer by Julie Stern.  



  (~1 minute)

Then review an upcoming lesson and identify a learning concept and assessment you can use to determine whether students may be ready to transfer their learning.