Disciplinary Actions Taken

Adverse actions taken by the Board within the past 5 years are listed in these pages. Adverse actions are listed here within two weeks of the Board's final decision regarding an action. An adverse licensing action may be either modifications or conditions attached to a license at the time it is issued, discipline of an already existing license, or denial of an application for licensure. The adverse licensing actions are listed below by year.

To search by name go to https://www.pfr.maine.gov/ALMSOnline/ALMSQuery/SearchIndividual.aspx?Board=384

To search by date go to https://www.pfr.maine.gov/ALMSOnline/ALMSQuery/SearchCase.aspx? Board=384

The Board assumes no responsibility for any errors in the information provided, nor assumes any liability for any damages incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of the Board of Dental Practice’s website. It is suggested that you obtain a copy of the full text of a Consent Agreement or a Decision and Order listed on this website by contacting the Board at (207) 287-3333 or email the Board.

Licensee, Description

Adverse Actions 2024 +

    Adverse Actions 2024

      TIMOTHY W. OH, D.M.D. (DEN4069)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated August 16, 2024, and to resolve case number 21-99, Timothy W. Oh, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for the following: 1) failing to obtain current radiographs before authorizing student externs to extract a minor patient's teeth; 2) failing to obtain written informed consent before performing extractions; and 3) failing to document in a patients chart a baseline blood pressure at an initial consultation visit and express consent to extractions. Dr. Oh agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: a) a warning; and b) successful completion of twelve (12) hours of pre-approved continuing education in the following categories: recordkeeping, communication, and risk management.

      MARC L. MELNICK, D.D.S. (DEN4390)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated August 16, 2024, and to resolve case number 24-12, Marc L. Melnick, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for engaging in unprofessional conduct, specifically disruptive behavior, by making the statements as outlined in the consent agreement. Dr. Melnick agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: a) a warning; and b) a prohibition on using the one (1) credit hour continuing education course towards the forty (40) credit hours required for license renewal.

      Theresa Louise B. York (RDH2123)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated July 12, 2024, and to resolve Case No. 23-106, Theresa Louise B. York, a dental hygienist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, surrendered her dental hygiene license effective July 12, 2024. Ms. York agrees never to apply for any license or registration issued by the Board. Further, she agrees not to work, volunteer, or teach in any capacity related to the delivery of dental services in the State of Maine.

      WILLIAM C. CADDOO, D.M.D. (DEN2179)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on January 19, 2024, and following the presentation of evidence and testimony, the Board issued a decision and order concluding that Dr. Caddoo failed to maintain complete and accurate patient records in violation of Board Rules, Chapter 12, Section 1(H), and Chapter 9, Section 1(L). As part of the decision and order dated March 15, 2024, the Board issued the following sanctions: (a) a warning; (b) license probation for a period of 180 days; (c) complete six hours of pre-approved continuing education on the subject of recordkeeping within 120 days; (d) complete four hours of pre-approved continuing education on the subject of billing within 180 days; (e) submit ten patient records to the Board within 180 days; and (f) payment of hearing costs of $1,000 within 90 days.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 15, 2024, and to resolve case number 23-131, Dr. Marcus Wilkerson, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to engaging in conduct that evidenced a lack of ability or fitness to perform the duties owed by the licensee by initiating treatment of patients and treating patients when the licensee was in a physical or mental state that impaired his ability to safely and competently treat patients.

      Dr. Wilkerson agrees to accept the following discipline: a) a reprimand; b) a license suspension for three months for the period between December 15, 2023 and March 15, 2024; c) three (3) hours of continuing education to be completed within 90 days on the topic of ethical duties owed to patients while providing patient care; d) probation for a period of one (1) year with the following additional conditions: i) complete and submit a comprehensive neurocognitive assessment within ninety (90) days; ii) complete and submit a further addiction assessment regarding the misuse and addiction risks within ninety (90) days; iii) complete and submit a written medication management plan within ninety (90) days; iv) the Board will not issue or activate any moderate parenteral sedation permits for him, and he will not practice moderate sedation on any patient until the Board has reviewed/approved completion of additional assessment conditions; and v) submit random monthly urine samples for toxicology screening and submit monthly toxicology reports.

      SKYE KIM, D.D.S. (DEN4510)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 23, 2024, and to resolve case number 23-27, Skye Kim, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for failing to maintain complete patient records to include the patient's reaction to services. Dr. Kim agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: a) a warning; and b) twelve hours of continuing education on the subjects of hands-on local anesthesia training, recordkeeping, and patient communication within 120 days.

      NICHOLAS K. ROY, D.M.D. (DEN4090)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on December 15, 2023, to determine whether grounds existed to impose discipline against the dentist license of Dr. Nicholas Roy based on alleged unprofessional conduct in connection with requests to provide a patient and the Board with complete dental records. The Board issued a decision and order concluding that Dr. Roy failed to provide a copy of a patient's comprehensive dental record within 21 days of receipt of a request. As part of the decision and order, the Board issued a Warning. This Decision and Order became effective on January 19, 2024.


      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated January 5, 2024, Marcus A. Wilkerson, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice ("the Board"), acknowledges the facts as stated in the interim consent agreement, without admitting any of the underlying allegations against him and reserving all defenses, and agrees the current suspension of his dentist license (DEN4256) may remain in effect until such time as the Board takes final action regarding Case No. 23-131.

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Adverse Actions 2023 +

    Adverse Actions 2023


      On December 15, 2023, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Dr. Marcus A. Wilkerson's license to practice dentistry (DEN4256) based on preliminary findings which concluded that his continued ability to practice as a dentist in the State of Maine constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public who might receive his dental services, and that it is necessary to immediately suspend his ability to practice dentistry to adequately respond to this risk. Dr. Wilkersons license will be suspended for a period of thirty (30) days, pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 30, 2023, and to resolve case number 20-30, Angela Additon, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the following: 1) engaging in an activity requiring a license by prescribing herself medications; 2) engaging in disruptive behavior that interfered with or was likely to interfere with the delivery of patient care by continuously taking unscheduled time off requiring patient appointments to be rescheduled; and 3) for altering her own patient record with the intent to deceive.

      Ms. Additon agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a reprimand; b). a license suspension of thirty (30) days ending November 29, 2023; c) completion of a substance use assessment within sixty (60) days; and d) completion of 12 hours of continuing education within one hundred twenty (120) days on the following subjects: professionalism, ethics, and risk management.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 18, 2023, and to resolve case number 21-20, Diane Whitney, a licensed dental hygienist authorized to provide services as an independent practice dental hygienist by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the following: 1) failure to obtain patient written acknowledgment that she was not a dentist and that the services that were to be rendered did not constitute restorative care or treatment during the period January 30, 2021 through February 28, 2021; 2) failure to provide patients a written plan for referral to a dentist for necessary dental care; 3) failure to have a written agreement with a licensed dentist during the period January 30, 2021 through February 28, 2021, providing that the licensed dentist would be available to interpret all dental radiographs within 21 days from the date a radiograph was taken, and that the dentist would sign a radiographic review and findings form; 4) by applying silver diamine fluoride and failing to obtain written informed consent from patients that identified the risks, benefits, contraindicators, and alternatives to the treatment; and 5) failure to maintain complete patient records.

      Ms. Whitney agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a warning; b). a civil penalty in the amount of $1,500 to be paid within 180 days; c). a license probation for a period of one (1) year; d). completion of 6 hours of continuing education within ninety (90) days on the following subjects: ethics (3 hours) and record-keeping (3 hours); e). written notification to the Board within seven (7) calendar days of the initiation or cessation of services provided to any patient(s) as an independent practice dental hygienist; and f). compliance with all applicable Board Rules, including practice requirements in Board Rules Chapter 12.

      SAPAN BHATT, D.M.D. (DEN4598)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on August 18, 2023, and following the presentation of evidence and testimony, and admission to the facts in the joint stipulation establishing the alleged violations, the Board issued a decision and order concluding that Dr. Bhatt: (1) violated a consent agreement that set the conditions of probation, by using a prohibited substance; (2) that he failed to notify the Board within ten (10) days of a relapse in the use of a prohibited substance; and (3) that he failed to comply with the Medical Professionals Health Program monitoring agreement by using a prohibited substance. As part of the decision and order, the Board issued the following Penalties: (a) a Censure; (b) a license suspension for a period of 60 days, the period of suspension to include the time served under the suspension imposed by the Order of Immediate Suspension dated June 23, 2023; (c) imposed and continued the terms and conditions of the August 5, 2021 Consent Agreement executed by the Board, as continued by paragraph 13 of the latest and concurrently running June 21, 2022 Consent Agreement executed by the Board; and (d) Civil Penalty in the amount of $1,500 to be paid within 90 days. This Decision and Order became effective on September 8, 2023.

      BRAD J. WOODFORD, D.D.S. (DEN4336)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 18, 2023, and to resolve case number 21-5, Brad J. Woodford, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's finding that he failed to strictly follow practice guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic, specific to mandates regarding the use of face coverings and/or masks by all dental office personnel. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, and payment of a $250 civil penalty.

      SAPAN BHATT, D.M.D. (DEN4598)

      On June 23, 2023, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately and indefinitely suspend Dr. Sapan Bhatt's license to practice dentistry (DEN4598) pursuant to the terms of a First and Second Consent Agreement entered into with the Maine Board of Dental Practice, and his ingestion of alcohol and positive test for Phosphatidyl Ethanol. Dr. Bhatts license will be suspended pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing which will be scheduled and held within 60 days unless otherwise agreed.

      ERIK A. JOHNSON, D.M.D. (DEN4076)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on March 10, 2023, to determine whether grounds existed to impose discipline against the dentist license of Dr. Erik Johnson based on his failure to comply with conditions of probation as outlined two consent agreements entered into with the Board dated January 25, 2019 and June 22, 2020. The Board issued a decision and order concluding that Dr. Johnson failed to timely submit a controlled substance log to the Board in April of 2022, and that he failed to obtain preapproval by the Board for continuing education credits and failed to complete continuing education requirements and submit proof of the same no later than December 19, 2020. As part of the decision and order, the Board issued the following Penalties: (a) Warning; (b) Civil Penalty in the amount of $1,000 to be paid within 180 days; and (c) Payment of actual costs of investigation and hearing in the amount of $1,440 within 180 days. This Decision and Order became effective on April 14, 2023.

      ANTHONY N. ALTIERI, D.M.D. (DEN3409)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated March 20, 2023, and to resolve Case No. 23-2, Dr. Anthony Altieri, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, surrendered his moderate sedation level II permit effective immediately, and surrendered his dental license effective March 20, 2023. Dr. Altieri agrees not to work or volunteer in any occupation related to the delivery of dental services in the State of Maine. He also agrees to not apply for reinstatement of his license for a period of five (5) years.

      ANTHONY N. ALTIERI, D.M.D. (DEN3409)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 24, 2023, and to resolve case number 21-8, Anthony N. Altieri, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for the following: 1) failing to diagnose, appropriately document, and treat the patient's periodontal status and caries; and failing to record adequate information in the patients dental record regarding treatment; 2) failing to maintain a complete patient record; 3) failing to provide the patient with a copy of their dental records despite their requests for the same; and 4) failing to provide the Board with a complete patient record upon its initial request. Dr. Altieri agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: a) a reprimand; b) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $1,000.00; and c) three hours of continuing education each on the following subjects: i) endodontic diagnosis and treatment; ii) periodontal diagnosis and treatment; iii) prosthodontic diagnosis and treatment; iv) caries management; and v) treatment planning, for a total of fifteen hours; and d) retention of an independent licensed dentist, who shall conduct reviews of patient records for a twelve month period.

      ANTHONY N. ALTIERI, D.M.D. (DEN3409)

      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 14, 2023, Anthony Altieri, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice ("the Board"), agrees with the facts as stated in the interim consent agreement, without admitting any of the underlying allegations against him and reserving all defenses, and agrees the current suspension of his moderate parenteral sedation permit (MSP72) may remain in effect until such time as the Board takes final action regarding Case No. 23-2.


      On January 20, 2023, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Anthony Altieri's permit to administer moderate sedation (MSP72) pursuant to 5 M.R.S. subsection 10004 (3). The Board found for the purposes of the immediate suspension that the health or physical safety of members of the public are in immediate jeopardy as a result of his actions and that as a result, his permit for moderate sedation must be suspended to adequately respond to that risk. Dr. Altieris permit will be suspended for a thirty (30) day period ending on February 19, 2023, pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing which is to be scheduled.

      AUDREY E. BALZER (RAD3854)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated January 9, 2023, and to resolve Case No. 18-90, Ms. Audrey Balzer, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, surrendered her license effective January 9, 2023. The license surrender is based on her admission to the facts as outlined in the consent agreement which include the following: a) theft of controlled substances from a dental practice; b) failing to report her criminal conviction to the Board no lather than ten days after it occurred; and c) engaging in unprofessional conduct by violating Board Rules, Chapter 9, II (F) by possessing a controlled substance in a way other than for dental therapeutic purposes.

      SYLVIE N. PARE (RAD1860)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated January 9, 2023, and to resolve case number 22-4, Ms. Sylvie Pare, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Pare agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00.

      BRENDA L. REED (RAD 2278)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated January 9, 2023, and to resolve case number 21-52, Ms. Brenda Reed, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Reed agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00.

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Adverse Actions 2022 +

    Adverse Actions 2022

      AMBER E. AYOTTE (RDH4331)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on June 24, 2022, to determine whether grounds existed for the Board to impose discipline against the license of Amber E. Ayotte as a registered dental hygienist. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board found that the licensee had violated the terms of probation of a March 14, 2022 consent agreement a total of nine times, and had violated the Board statute for the misuse of alcohol, drugs or other substances that has resulted or may result in the licensee performing services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Based on the Board's findings, the following penalties were imposed: 1) A Reprimand; and 2) Revocation of the licensees license to practice dental hygiene.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on July 15, 2022, and to resolve case numbers 18-87 and 19-41, Dr. Marina Narowetz, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that such conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for failing to surrender a copy of a patient's records within 21 days after receipt of the request; and for misrepresentation in connection with services within the scope of her license for misrepresentations made to the Board. Dr. Narowetz agrees to accept the following discipline: a.) a license suspension of seven (7) days; b.) a reprimand for making misrepresentations to the Board and shall be honest in all professional interactions; c.) a reprimand for failing to timely surrender copy of patient records upon request; d.) a civil penalty of $1,500; e.) costs of hearing in the amount of $3,000; f.) conditions of probation to include completion of six (6) hours of continuing education (3 hours in ethics and 3 hours in record keeping); and complete a comprehensive mental health evaluation within 90 days and comply with any treatment recommendations and/or practice conditions/limitations contained in the evaluation and provide confirmation of compliance as directed by the Board.

      SAPAN M. BHATT, D.M.D. (DEN4598)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 21, 2022, and to resolve case number 22-40, Dr. Sapan Bhatt, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the following: 1) engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of knowledge or inability to apply principles or skills to carry out the practice of dentistry; 2) for unprofessional conduct for violating a standard of professional behavior as established by Board rule, by failing to prepare and include in a patient's records a record of the patients informed consent; and 3) noncompliance with a consent agreement.

      Dr. Bhatt agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a censure; b). a license suspension of thirty (30) days ending June 20, 2022; c) restriction from performing any crown or bridge treatment not related to implants or implant restoration between the effective date of the consent agreement and the successful completion all of the following: three (3) hours of continuing education on the topic of recordkeeping; re-taking and passing the ADEX Restorative and Endodontic examinations; retention of an independent licensed dentist to conduct reviews of Dr. Bhatts patient records; and d) for a period of twelve (12) months Dr. Bhatt will submit ten (10) patient records subject to an independent records review to determine whether the patient records are complete, accurate, and comply with applicable standards of care.

      ANGELA M. DUBE (RAD4340)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 17, 2022, and to resolve case number 22-43, Angela M. Dube, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Ms. Dube agrees to accept the following discipline: a. license probation for a period of two (2) years which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 2, 2022, and to resolve case number 22-22, Caitlin Cooper, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the following: A) misrepresentation; B) misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; and C) failing to inform the Board timely of criminal convictions. Ms. Cooper agrees to accept the following discipline: a. license probation for a period of one (1) year which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.

      AMBER E. AYOTTE, (RDH4331)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 14, 2022, and to resolve case number 21-79, Amber E. Ayotte, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Ms. Ayotte agrees to accept the following discipline: a. license probation for a period of one (1) year which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated March 12, 2022, and to resolve case number 21-46, Anthony N. Altieri, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for the following: 1) failure to ensure that the appropriate licensure, authority, registration, and/or permit is obtained by an individual that is either supervised or employed by the licensee; 2) failure to provide the Board with records of treatment when requested by the Board; 3) allowing his employee to practice dental radiography and/or perform radiographs when the employee was not licensed as a dental radiographer; 4) failure to produce requested documents in the licensee's possession or under the licensees control relevant to a pending complaint, proceeding or matter under investigation by the Board; 5) employing an unlicensed person to provide services for which a license is required; and 6) failure to operate and maintain radiological equipment in compliance with Maines Radiation Control Program. Dr. Altieri agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: a) a censure; b) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $250.00; and c) twelve hours of continuing education on the subject of radiation safety.

      JAMES G. BENNAS, JR., D.M.D. (DEN2654)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 8, 2022, and to resolve case number 22-6, Dr. James Bennas, Jr., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Dr. Bennas agrees to accept the following discipline: a. license probation for a period of two (2) years which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 16, 2022, and to resolve case number 22-7, Ms. Nicolette Staples, a dental radiographer and expanded function dental assistant licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for the following: a.) misrepresentation in obtaining a license by failing to disclose two criminal convictions and all other names ever used, and failing to disclose in a dental radiography license renewal application two criminal convictions; b.) for failing to inform the Board timely of a criminal conviction (two violations); and c.) for practicing as an expanded function dental assistant for approximately two months despite not holding the appropriate license for such practice. Ms. Staples agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00; and 3) successful completion of six (6) hours of continuing education in the subjects of ethics and jurisprudence.

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Adverse Actions 2021 +

    Adverse Actions 2021


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated December 15, 2021, and to resolve Case No. 21-81, Dr. Russell Collett, a dentist who surrendered his license with the Board of Dental Practice effective August 30, 2021, admitted to violating a prior consent agreement by submitting a dental insurance claim for a limited oral evaluation during a time in which limited dental services were authorized. As discipline, Dr. Collett accepted a Reprimand.

      RONALD C. DAVIS, D.D.S. (DEN2574)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 22, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-34, Dr. Ronald C. Davis, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to failing to comply with infection control requirements. Dr. Davis agrees to accept the following discipline: a.) a warning; b.) complete six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of infection control within 60 days; c.) submit comprehensive policies that he is using to come into full compliance with infection control guidelines within 60 days; and d.) submit evidence showing he is conforming to the Board-approved infection control policies within 90 days after the Board approves the new policies.

      TAMMY LEE COOK, D.M.D. (DEN3775)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 12, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-31, Dr. Tammy Lee Cook, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to engaging in fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in connection with services within the scope of her dental license for the following: 1) making written misrepresentations in letters to the Board in the course of an investigation (three instances); and 2) submitting patient appointment calendars to the Board that contained at least 172 omissions and/or misrepresentations; and 3) failing to provide the Board with records of treatment when requested by the Board by failing to turn over accurate and complete patient appointment calendars upon request (two instances).

      Dr. Cook agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a reprimand; b). a license suspension of ninety (90) days; c). a civil penalty of $2,500; d). expenses in the amount of $2,500; e) submit a completed behavioral health assessment with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) within ninety (90) days; and f) complete forty (40) hours of continuing education.

      JEONG HO YANG, D.M.D. (DEN4528)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 12, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-47, Dr. Jeong Ho Yang, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the following facts: 1) prescribing sedation medications in excess of the recommended dosage; 2) failing to monitor adequately a patient's level of sedation; 3) failing to check prescription monitoring information as required by statute; 4) failing to obtain and document informed consent for the sedation, and failing to obtain such informed consent before the patient was under the influence of sedation medication; and 5) failing to inform the Board of a significant health incident requiring medical care as a sequala of care in a dental office.

      Dr. Yang agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a censure; b). a license suspension of fifteen (15) days; c). a civil penalty of $1,500; d) complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education on the subject of analgesia, sedation, and pain management within 180 days; e) complete six (6) hours of continuing education on the subjects of recordkeeping and ethics within 90 days; f) may not prescribe or administer controlled substances unless and until he successfully completes retraining in accordance with the consent agreement; g) successfully complete five clinical patient experiences of minimal sedation under the supervision of a dentist and pursuant to the Boards registration application process; and h) may not and will not, by virtue of his dental license, dispense controlled substances, for so long as he holds a license with the Board.

      ANTHONY N. ALTIERI, D.M.D. (DEN3409)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 17, 2021, and to resolve case number 19-48, Anthony Altieri, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding for failing to keep adequate detailed progress notes (including photographs) in a complex patient case. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, payment of a $250 civil penalty, and six hours of continuing education on the subject of recordkeeping and retention.

      SAPAN M. BHATT, D.M.D.

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 5, 2021, and to resolve case numbers 20-76, 20-77 and 21-33, and to consolidate the terms of probation imposed by the September 17, 2020 consent agreement in Case No. 19-84, Dr. Sapan Bhatt, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to misrepresentation and failure to comply with the 2020 consent agreement, improper restorative dentistry, improper endodontic care, and improper recordkeeping. Dr. Bhatt also admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for violations of unprofessional conduct.

      Dr. Bhatt agrees to accept the following discipline: a). a reprimand in Case No. 20-76; b). a warning in Case No. 20-77; c.) a reprimand in Case No. 21-33; d). a license suspension of thirty (30) days; e). a civil penalty of $3,000; f). complete twenty-four (24) hours of continuing education; g). a restriction on scope of licensure that prohibits Dr. Bhatt from performing any crown and bridge treatment between the effective date of the agreement and the termination of the suspension, a restriction on scope of licensure that prohibits Dr. Bhatt from performing endodontic treatment from the effective date of the agreement until all of the following has occurred: period of suspension has terminated, he completes all of the continuing education, and he receives written confirmation from the Board that this license restriction has terminated; h). license probation for a period of five (5) years which includes the following terms: i. a practice monitor approved by the complaint officer; ii. notification of change in practice location; iii. patient chart reviews for two years; iv. abstinence, v. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement until at least August 2024.

      MICHELLE L. MORROW, D.M.D. (DEN3296)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on July 23, 2021, and to resolve case number 21-16, Michelle Morrow, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding for keeping or allowing domesticated pets in a practice setting. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, and payment of a $200 civil penalty.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice voted to deny Ms. Rachael Moody's application for reinstatement of her Maine dental radiography license, which became final on July 16, 2021. The Boards denial was based upon Ms. Moodys failure to complete the application within a 90-day period as outlined in Board Statutes, and for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license on November 30, 2014.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated July 16, 2021, and to resolve Case Nos. 18-83 and 21-13, Dr. Russell Collett, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, surrendered his deep sedation/general anesthesia permit effective immediately and will surrender his dental license effective August 30, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. During the period of licensure probation beginning July 16, 2021 and ending August 30, 2021, Dr. Collett may only perform the following dental acts: i. transfer patients to other providers including consultation with such providers; ii. supervise dental hygiene appointments; iii. supervise individuals authorized to perform dental radiography; iv. perform nonclinical consultations when transferring patient care; v. place healing abutments on existing implants previously placed by Dr. Collett; and Dr. Collett may not apply for any license or registration issued by the Board, nor work or volunteer in any occupation related to the delivery of dental services.

      MEGAN J. LUCIER, D.M.D. (DEN3827)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated July 14, 2021, Dr. Megan Lucier, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, accepts the permanent and irreversible surrender of her ability to practice dentistry in the State of Maine. This agreement further amends the existing consent agreement signed by the parties effective May 28, 2019, in Case Nos. 18-79 and 19-1.


      On June 11, 2021, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Dr. Russell Collett's license to practice dentistry (DEN3009), and his permit for deep sedation and general anesthesia (DSA85) pursuant to 5 M.R.S. subsection 10004 (3) as a result of the following: 1) unprofessional conduct by violating a standard of behavior that has been established in the practice of dentistry; 2) incompetence in the practice of dentistry by engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of ability or fitness to perform the duties owed by him to his patients and the general public; and 3) incompetence in the practice of dentistry by engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of knowledge or inability to apply principles or skills to carry out the practice of dentistry. The Board found for the purposes of the immediate suspension that the health or physical safety of members of the public are in immediate jeopardy as a result of his actions and that as a result, his license to practice dentistry must be suspended to adequately respond to that risk. Dr. Colletts license will be suspended for a thirty (30) day period ending on July 11, 2021, pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing which is to be scheduled.

      BICHNGOC T. DOAN (RAD2871)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated June 8, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-71, Ms. Bichngoc Doan, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Doan agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00.

      TRAVIS R. BUXTON, D.D.S. (DEN4146)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 2, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-38, Travis R. Buxton, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's finding that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by failing to meet the standard of care as follows: (i) failing to record an adequate treatment plan; (ii) failing to communicate and document an adequate informed consent from a patient; and (iii) failing to record patient vital signs in the patient record. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, payment of a $450 civil penalty within 180 days, and documented proof of completing 12 hours of continuing education on the subjects of recordkeeping, care of the medically compromised patient, and treatment planning within 90 days.

      NATHAN T. OAKES, D.M.D. (DEN4325)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 26, 2021, and to resolve case number 19-78, Nathan Oakes, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement as it relates to his failure to produce requested documents in his possession relevant to a Board investigation. The terms of the consent agreement include: a) a warning; b) a civil penalty of $250; and c) successful completion of three (3) hours of continuing education on the subject of patient recordkeeping within 90 days of the executed agreement.

      WANDA J. STAPLES (RAD3117)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 26, 2021, and to resolve case number 21-18, Ms. Wanda Staples, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Staples agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $250.00.

      TIMOTHY N. KILGO (RAD2995)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 26, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-27, Mr. Timothy Kilgo, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for working beyond the scope of his dental radiographer license by diagnosing and attempting to treat a tooth disorder without direct supervision or permitted delegation by his supervising dentist. Mr. Kilgo agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00; and 3) completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subject of jurisprudence and ethics within 90 days.

      DEBRA L. POW (RAD2925)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-90, Ms. Debra Pow, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Pow agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00.

      KAYLA L. ROUBO (RAD3516)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-75, Ms. Kayla Roubo, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Roubo agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      LISA M. GAGNE (RAD3529)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-73, Ms. Lisa Gagne, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Gagne agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-72, Ms. Crystal Brackett, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Brackett agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-74, Ms. Sarah Arsenault, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Arsenault agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      MATTHEW P. GREEN, D.M.D. (DEN4683)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 24, 2021, and to resolve case number 19-91, Matthew P. Green, DMD, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement as it relates to his failure to check the prescription monitoring information as required by statute. The terms of the consent agreement include: a) a warning; and b) successful completion of two (2) hours of continuing education on the subject of patient recordkeeping, and one (1) hour of continuing education on the subject of opioid medication within 90 days of the executed agreement.

      LESLIE A. ELSTON, D.M.D. (DEN3517)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 7, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-18, Leslie A. Elston, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that such conduct constitutes grounds for imposing discipline against her license based upon the inadequate supervision and improper delegation, by failing to adequately supervise a dental radiographer who diagnosed and attempted to treat a dental patient without direct supervision or permitted delegation. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, payment of a $250 civil penalty, and completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subjects of jurisprudence and ethics.

      ANTHONY N. ALTIERI, D.M.D. (DEN3409)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on April 9, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-12, Anthony N. Altieri, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's findings: a) by failing to conduct a thorough patient evaluation to determine suitability prior to the start of moderate sedation; by failing to record an adequate patient evaluation and/or treatment plan; by failing to consult with the patients primary care physician when the patients medical history indicates complicated medical history and potentially heightened risk; by directing the patient to cease taking a medically necessary anticoagulant, without having consulted with the patients primary care physician, and without disclosing the risk of such discontinuance to the patient; b) by dispensing sedation medications; c) for failing to check the prescription monitoring information as required by statute; and d) by proceeding with parenteral moderate sedation without an intravenous route to administer reversal agents in case of emergency. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, a 30-day license suspension which is deemed to have already been served due to the voluntary suspension of his sedation permit; continued suspension of his sedation permit until lifted pursuant to a recertification procedure, payment of a $2,500 civil penalty, completion of 32 hours of continuing education on the subjects of patient safety relating to anesthesia, ethics, and record-keeping and retention, successful completion of a recertification course to perform moderate parenteral sedation, successful completion clinical experiences with at least ten patient cases, and will not dispense controlled substances.

      BENJAMIN A. LAWLOR, D.D.S. (DEN4435)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on April 9, 2021, and to resolve case numbers 19-81 and 21-15, Benjamin A. Lawlor, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's findings: a) for noncompliance with a Consent Agreement entered into by the licensee and executed by the Board, for failure to submit timely policies and procedures as agreed and required; and b) for engaging in false, misleading or deceptive advertising with respect to the provision and description of Botox services. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal censure, voluntary surrender of his sedation permit, immediate and voluntary surrender of any and all DEA certificates of registration, payment of a $1,000 civil penalty, payment of $1,000 in actual Board expenses incurred, completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subject of ethics and jurisprudence, and agree to not apply for a sedation permit or DEA certificate of registration for a period of three (3) years, except upon notification to the Board in advance, and compliance with the Prior Consent Agreement as it relates to policies and procedures.


      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated March 12, 2021, Benjamin Lawlor, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice ("the Board"), agrees with the facts as stated in the interim consent agreement, without admitting any of the underlying allegations against him and reserving all defenses, and agrees the current suspension of his moderate enteral sedation permit (MSE93) may remain in effect until such time as the Board takes final action regarding Case No. 19-2.

      MEGAN LUCIER, D.M.D. (DEN3827)

      On February 12, 2021, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Dr. Megan Lucier's dental license (DEN3827) pursuant to 10 M.R.S. subsection 8003 (5)(B), as a result of the following: 1) for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; and 2) for noncompliance with a consent agreement dated May 28, 2019 (Case Nos. 18-79 and 19-1). Commencing at 12:01 a.m. on February 15, 2021, Dr. Lucier's license will be suspended indefinitely until the Board holds a hearing on the matter.


      On February 12, 2021, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Dr. Benjamin Lawlor's permit to administer moderate enteral sedation (MSE93) pursuant to 5 M.R.S. subsection 10004 (3) as a result of non-compliance with a consent agreement specific to the timeline of compliance required to be reported to the Board and/or non-compliance with the safe handling of controlled substances. The Board found for the purposes of the immediate suspension that the health or physical safety of members of the public are in immediate jeopardy as a result of his actions and that as a result, his permit for moderate enteral sedation must be suspended to adequately respond to that risk. Dr. Lawlor's permit will be suspended for a thirty (30) day period ending on March 14, 2021, pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing which is to be scheduled.

      WILLIAM C. CADDOO, D.M.D. (DEN2179)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 25, 2021, and to resolve case number 20-40, William C. Caddoo, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating standards of professional behavior by conducting non-emergency care without adequate patient consultation and screening to prevent unnecessary risk of exposure to a pandemic virus. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, a 30-day license suspension, payment of a $1,500 civil penalty, completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subjects of jurisprudence and ethics, and demonstrated compliance with COVID-19 practice requirements.

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Adverse Actions 2020 +

    Adverse Actions 2020


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on November 30, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-78, Kristina Spaulding, a denturist trainee registered with the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Ms. Spaulding agrees to accept the following discipline: a. a warning b. license probation for a period of one (1) year which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), v. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vi. costs of compliance, and vii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated November 9, 2020, Anthony Altieri, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice ("the Board"), agrees with the facts as stated in the interim consent agreement, without admitting any of the underlying allegations against him and reserving all defenses, and agrees the current suspension of his moderate parenteral sedation permit (MSP72) may remain in effect until such time as the Board takes final action regarding Case No. 20-12.


      In Case No. 19-76, the Maine Board of Dental Practice ("Board") held an adjudicatory hearing on October 9, 2020, to consider whether grounds existed to impose discipline against Ms. Christine McNamara, a dental hygienist licensed by the Board. The Board found by a preponderance of the evidence that Ms. McNamara engaged in unprofessional conduct in violation of 32 M.R.S. Subsection 18325(1)(E) and imposed the following sanctions: i.) A Warning; ii.) Three hours of continuing education addressing the proper identification of patients to be completed within ninety (90) days; and iii.) The cost of hearing in the amount of $1,905 to be paid within 180 days of the Decision and Order.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice voted to deny Jamie Mockler's application for licensure as a dental radiographer in the State of Maine, which became final on October 19, 2020. The Board's denial was based upon unprofessional conduct for the misuse of alcohol, drugs, or other substances that may result in performance of services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients.


      On October 9, 2020, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Anthony Altieri's permit to administer moderate sedation (MSP72) pursuant to 5 M.R.S. subsection 10004 (3). The Board found for the purposes of the immediate suspension that the health or physical safety of members of the public are in immediate jeopardy as a result of his actions and that as a result, his permit for moderate sedation must be suspended to adequately respond to that risk. Dr. Altieris permit will be suspended for a thirty (30) day period ending on November 8, 2020, pending further Board action at an adjudicatory hearing which is to be scheduled.

      ROBERT E. ERICKSON, D.M.D. (DEN3214)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 17, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-93, Robert E. Erickson, DMD, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he violated a standard of professional behavior by failing to maintain a complete record of patient care for this patient. The terms of the consent agreement include: a) a censure; and b) successful completion of six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of patient recordkeeping and informed consent within 90 days of the executed agreement.

      SAPAN M. BHATT, D.M.D. (DEN4598)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 17, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-84, Dr. Sapan Bhatt, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the following: 1) failing to report a criminal conviction to the Board within ten (10) days; 2) making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board by failing to report a criminal summons on his online renewal application; and 3) for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Dr. Bhatt agrees to accept the following discipline: a. a warning b. license probation for a period of three (3) years which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      On September 14, 2020, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Chelsie Thibault's dental hygiene license (RDH3634) pursuant to 10 M.R.S. subsection 8003 (5)(B), as a result of the following: 1) for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; and 2) for noncompliance with a consent agreement dated March 18, 2019 (Case No. 18-78). Commencing at 12:01 a.m. on September 15, 2020, Ms. Thibault's license will be suspended indefinitely until the Board holds a hearing on the matter.

      BURT A. JORDAN, D.D.S. (DEN4283)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 15, 2020, and to resolve complaint numbers 15-6 and 16-112, Dr. Burt Jordan, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, accepted discipline for unprofessional conduct arising from his alleged failure to surrender a copy of records for the patient identified in complaint number 15-6 upon appropriate request. The terms of his consent agreement include: a) a formal warning; and b) Prohibition against the following: (i) Applying for any license or registration issued by the Board; and (ii) Working or volunteering in any occupation related to the delivery of dental services in the State of Maine. With respect to complaint number 16-112, the Board dismissed the complaint without prejudice and may reopen the complaint in the event that Dr. Burt Jordan violates the consent agreement or if new allegations of misconduct against Dr. Burt Jordan are received by the Board.

      BENJAMIN A. LAWLOR, D.D.S. (DEN4435)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 15, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-2, Benjamin A. Lawlor, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's findings: a) for improperly dispensing medications when not authorized, and/or for improperly dispensing medications with improper labeling and packaging; and b) for fifty-three (53) separate instances of failing to check prescription monitoring information as required by statute. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, payment of a $3,000 civil penalty, completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subject of drug safety and/or prescribing practices, and demonstrate proof of the implementation of policies and procedures that show how Dr. Lawlor will properly comply with the handling of controlled substances including, without limitation, federal and state statutes, Board Rule, Chapter 12, and the requirements for PMP prescriber checks.

      JEFFREY S. FISTER, D.M.D. (DEN2739)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 9, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-6, Jeffrey S. Fister, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's finding that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating standards of professional behavior by extracting the wrong tooth during a surgical procedure. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, payment of a $50 civil penalty, and within ninety (90) days, provide proof to the Board that the patient records accurately reflect the tooth that was actually extracted.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 25, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-27, Kayla Bouchard, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that she engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating a standard of professional behavior by failing to follow protocols and procedures of a supervising dentist to safeguard patients from erroneous administration of medication. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal censure, and completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subjects of safety and medical management.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated August 21, 2020, Dr. Kyriacos Andronikou, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline as a result of making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board by failing to disclose a remedial agreement dated June 3, 2019 with the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Canada . Dr. Andronikou agreed to accept a formal warning from the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated August 7, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-9, Ms. Debbie Gendron Tibbetts, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Gendron Tibbetts agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $150.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 3, 2020, Ms. Chelsie Thibault, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice entered into an Amendment to Consent Agreement. The amendment requires Ms. Thibault to perform Soberlink testing as part of her Medical Professionals Health Program enrollment, and regular and satisfactory use of Soberlink no later than September 19, 2020. All terms and conditions of the March 18, 2019 Consent Agreement remain in effect.

      MARK LUCIER, D.M.D. (DEN3822)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on July 23, 2020, and to resolve case number 18-98, Mark S. Lucier, DMD., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's finding that he violated a standard of care, specifically, by failing to diagnose or treat an overbite, overjet, and asymmetry, causing the patient to have to undergo another course of orthodontic treatment. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, and completion of 3 hours of continuing education on the subject of orthodontic risk management.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated July 23, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-2, Ms. Kathleen Cantara, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline for continuing to act in the capacity of a dental hygienist after the expiration of her license. Ms. Cantara agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      On July 20, 2020, the Maine Board of Dental Practice issued an order to immediately suspend Chelsie Thibault's dental hygiene license (RDH3634) pursuant to 10 M.R.S. subsection 8003 (5)(B), as a result of her non-compliance with a consent agreement dated March 18, 2019 (Case No. 18-78). Ms. Thibaults license will be suspended for a sixty (60) day period commencing at 12:01 a.m. on July 21, 2020.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on July 10, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-5, Marcus A. Wilkerson, D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the following Board's findings: a) that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating standards of professional behavior by failing to maintain and follow procedures to safeguard patients from erroneous administration of medication; b) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection IV(B)(1) by failing to comply with the ADA Sedation Guidelines when administering moderation sedation; c) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection V(F)(1)(g) by failing at discharge to chart the condition of Patient E with objective data or scale; d) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection V(F)(2)(b) by failing to maintain a time-oriented anesthesia record for Patient E; e) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection V(G)(2)(b) by failing to take and record the intermittent blood pressure of Patient E at least every 5 minutes; f) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection V(H)(3)(a) by failing to provide direct supervision of Ms. Bouchard while she was monitoring Patient E during the administration of moderate sedation; and g) for violating Board Rules Chapter 14, subsection V(H)(3)(b) by failing to provide direct, continuous, and visual supervision when medication was being administered to Patient E. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal censure, a 30-day sedation permit suspension, payment of a $500 civil penalty, completion of 6 hours of continuing education on the subjects of safety in the administration of medication, and demonstrate proof of the implementation of polices and procedures that will prevent future similar harm including, without limitation, failures in patient identification and maladministration of sedation medication.

      TAMMY L. COOK, D.M.D. (DEN3775)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 23, 2020, and to resolve case number 20-23, Tammy Lee Cook, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that she engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating standards of professional behavior by failing to take appropriate measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, failing to maintain and follow CDC infection control guidelines, and conducting non-emergency care despite the legal and regulatory restrictions. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, a 30-day license suspension, payment of a $1,500 civil penalty, completion of 15 hours of continuing education on the subjects of infection control, jurisprudence and ethics, and demonstrated compliance with COVID-19 practice requirements.

      ERIK A. JOHNSON, D.M.D. (DEN4076)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 22, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-30, Erik Johnson, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he engaged in conduct that evidences a lack of ability or fitness to perform the duties he owed to a patient by neglecting to remove a rubber dam retainer from a tooth following his treatment of the patient. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, and completion of three (3) hours of continuing education on the subject of patient safety within 180 days of the executed agreement.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on June 3, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-31, Mr. Philip Sanguedolce, a denturist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he is subject to discipline for violation of Board Rule, Chapter 4 by failing to include in the patients record the following: patients health history, an adequate description of the patients current medical and dental treatment, including medications, and patients length of edentulousness. The terms of his consent agreement include: a) a formal warning; b) successful completion of three hours of pre-approved continuing education on the subject of record keeping within 90 days after the date of the last signature to the agreement; and c) within thirty days, provide proof of reimbursement to MaineCare in the amount of $730.00 for payments received for services provided to the patient.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice voted to deny Dr. Christopher Evola's application for renewal of his Maine dentist license, which became final on May 27, 2020. The Board's denial was based upon an allegation of unprofessional conduct resulting from Dr. Evolas disclosure of a criminal conviction of insurance fraud in the 4th degree under New York Penal Law, which is considered a crime of dishonesty and is subject to adverse action by the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on April 9, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-55, Dr. Harold J. Thibodeau, Jr., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he is subject to discipline for violation of a standard of care, for failing to make a timely referral for specialty care. The terms of his consent agreement include: a) a formal censure; and b) successful completion of twelve hours of pre-approved continuing education on the subject of orthodontic treatment planning and diagnosis within 90 days after the date of the last signature to the agreement.

      SKYE KIM, DDS (DEN4510)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 31, 2020, and to resolve case number 18-44, Dr. Skye Kim, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that she is subject to discipline for incompetence for engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of knowledge or an inability to apply principles or skills to carry out the practice of dentistry, and for violation of a Board statute. The terms of her consent agreement include: a) a formal warning; and b) successful completion of 20 hours of didactic and clinical continuing education regarding the delivery of local anesthesia, anesthetic technique, and maximum recommended dosing. The continuing education courses must be pre-approved by the Board and completed within 90 days after the date of the last signature to the agreement.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 19, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-71, John Murray Willis, DDS, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he violated a standard of professional behavior when communicating to a pediatric patient. The terms of the consent agreement include: a) a censure; and b) successful completion of six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of appropriate communication with pediatric patients within 180 days of the executed agreement.

      JAN B. KIPPAX, D.M.D. (DEN3108)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice (the "Board") held an adjudicatory hearing on October 11, 2019, to consider whether grounds existed for the Board to impose discipline against the license of Jan B. Kippax, D.M.D. based on case no. 17-21. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board reached the following conclusions: (1) engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating a standard of care that has been established in the practice of dentistry; (2) was professionally incompetent for engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of ability or fitness to perform the duties owed by a dentist to a patient; and (3) was professionally incompetent for engaging in conduct that evidences a lack of knowledge or inability to apply principles or skills to carry out the practice of dentistry. Based on the above findings, the Board imposed the following sanctions: i.) a reprimand; ii.) probation for a period of five (5) years with the following conditions: a.) three (3) hours of continuing education in patient communication and six (6) hours in oral pathology which is to be completed within twelve (12) months of the signed decision and order, and biennially thereafter; iii.) costs of hearing not to exceed $6,000 to be paid within twelve (12) months of the signed decision and order; and iv.) undergo a behavioral assessment by the Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) to be completed within ninety (90) days of the signed decision and order.

      EUGENE GLAD, D.M.D. (DEN2870)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 11, 2020, and to resolve case numbers 19-13 and 19-18, Eugene Glad, DMD, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he violated a standard of care with regards to obtaining written signed consent for treatment. The terms of the consent agreement include: a) a censure; and b) successful completion of six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of risk management within 90 days of the executed agreement.

      MARK LUCIER, D.M.D. (DEN3822)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 3, 2020, and to resolve case number 16-119, Dr. Mark Lucier, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he is subject to discipline for engaging in sexual banter which makes sexual misconduct unprofessional conduct, and for aiding and abetting unlicensed practice by a formerly employed dental hygienist. The terms of his consent agreement include: a) a formal reprimand; b) a civil penalty of $1,500.00 to be paid no later than 90 days after the date of the last signature to the agreement; and c) successful completion of six hours of pre-approved continuing education on the subject of sexual harassment within 90 days after the date of the last signature to the agreement.

      MARC L. HOROWITZ, D.D.S. (DEN3679)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on February 14, 2020, and to resolve case number 19-49, Marc L. Horowitz D.D.S., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he violated an established standard of care regarding obtaining written signed consent for a change in treatment plan; and for violation of Board rule. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning.

      JUNE E. SAY (RAD3073)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 14, 2020, Ms. June Say, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline as a result of making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board; and continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Say agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $250.00.

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Adverse Actions 2019 +

    Adverse Actions 2019


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice ("the Board") held an adjudicatory hearing on September 13, 2019, to consider whether grounds existed to deny the application for license renewal or impose discipline against the license of Catherine Bunin-Stevenson, D.M.D. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board concluded that Dr. Bunin-Stevenson failed to comply with a consent agreement executed by the Board; and was found that she has received a professional diagnosis of a mental or physical condition that has resulted or may result in the licensee performing services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Based on the above findings, the Board imposed the following disciplinary sanctions: i.) A Censure and ii.) The cost of hearing not to exceed $1,500 to be paid no later than 90 days after the effective date of the order. The Board also placed the following conditions to renew Dr. Bunin-Stevenson's license to practice: 1.) the licensees practice shall be geographically limited to areas where communication is constantly available; 2.) the license shall not engage in direct patient care and shall not prescribe; 3.) the licensees work in dentistry shall not exceed eight (8) hours per day and twenty (20) hours per week; 4.) the licensees hourly work in dentistry shall be monitored by a third party to be pre-approved by the Board, and the third-party shall report to the Board the hours worked on a quarterly basis; 5.) the licensee shall maintain continued treatment with Dr. David Nagler as he may determine, and shall notify the Board if and when treatment is discontinued; and 6.) the licensee shall enroll with the MPHP within thirty (30) days from the date of the decision and order and shall submit to and comply with the MPHP monitoring plan that shall be pre-approved by the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on October 11, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-60, Dr. Richard Crawford, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that his conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Dr. Crawford agrees to accept the following discipline: a. a warning b. license probation for a period of two (2) years which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings (per MPHP), vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.

      KATRINA A. COUTO (RAD4055)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 27, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-51, Ms. Katrina Couto, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and admitted that making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Ms. Couto agreed to the following discipline: a. a formal warning; b. a civil penalty of $50.00 to be paid within ninety (90) days; and c. a five-year period of probation during which her license is subject to the following conditions: notification to the Board within ten days of any arrest; criminal summons; charge or indictment for any crime; or conviction for any crime.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 27, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-42, Ms. Tiffany Bennett, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and admitted that misusing alcohol, drugs or other substances may result in performance of services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients and constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Ms. Bennett agreed to the following discipline: a. a formal warning; and b. a license probation of twelve (12) months with the following conditions: (i) notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, or conviction; (ii) abide by the terms and conditions of the Monitoring Agreement executed with the Medical Professionals Health Program ("MPHP"); and (iii) ensure that the Board receives a written report from the MPHP at the end of the required six months.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on July 19, 2019, to determine whether grounds existed for the Board to impose discipline against the license of Jennifer L. Smart as a registered dental hygienist. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board found that the licensee had failed to report a criminal conviction to the Board within 10 days of the conviction, and that the licensee had misused alcohol that may result in performing services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Based on this information, the Board imposed the following sanctions: 1) a warning; 2) a civil penalty of $50 to be paid within ninety (90) days from the date of the Decision and Order; 3) costs of the hearing in the amount of $1,000 to be paid within twelve (12) months from the date of the Decision and Order; 4) a conditioned renewal of the license upon her enrollment within thirty (30) days of the Decision and Order with the Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) for a period of one (1) year with a monitoring agreement that the licensee must submit to the Board for pre-approval; and, 5) a license probation of one (1) year beginning thirty (30) days from the date of the Decision and Order, with the condition that the licensee comply with the pre-approved MPHP monitoring agreement, and report any arrest to the Board within ten (10) days of its occurrence.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on June 14, 2019, to determine whether grounds existed for the Board to impose discipline against the license of Marina Narowetz, DDS based on case no. 18-87. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board concluded that Dr. Narowetz engaged in unprofessional conduct by failing to surrender a copy of a patients' records upon appropriate request. Based on the above finding, the Board imposed the following penalties: i.) A Reprimand; ii.) A civil penalty in the amount of $1,500 to be paid no later than 90 days after the effective date of the order; iii.) The cost of hearing not to exceed $3,000 to be paid no later than 90 days after the effective date of the order; iv.) Three hours of continuing education in ethics, and three hours of continuing education in record keeping which is to be completed no later than 90 days after the effective date of the order; and v.) A period of probation of five years with the condition that Dr. Narowetz refrain from violation of the Dental Practice Act.

      DENISE M. SHEA (RAD2232)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated June 12, 2019, Ms. Denise Shea, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline as a result of making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board; and continuing to act in the capacity of a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Shea agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $150.00.

      JANIE L. GERRISH (RAD4034)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated June 12, 2019, Ms. Janie Gerrish, an applicant for dental radiography licensure, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for discipline as a result of practicing dental radiography without a license to do so. Ms. Gerrish agrees to accept the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      MEGAN J. LUCIER, DMD (DEN3827)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 28, 2019, and to resolve case numbers 18-79 and 19-1, Dr. Megan Lucier, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that her conduct constitutes grounds for the Board to impose discipline for the misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients. Dr. Lucier agrees to accept the following discipline: a. a reprimand b. license probation for a period of five (5) years which includes the following terms: i. abstinence, ii. enrollment and compliance with Maine Medical Professionals Health Program (MPHP) Monitoring Agreement, iii. submit to MPHP testing and monitoring of prohibited substances, iv. work monitor reporting (per MPHP), v. counseling and self-help meetings, vi. notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change in contact information, vii. costs of compliance, and viii. monthly reporting to the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 17, 2019, Stephanie L. Mains, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that she violated Paragraph 19(c) and 19(e) of her 2015 Consent Agreement which is subject to discipline for unprofessional conduct. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, a $250.00 civil penalty to be paid within 60 days of the executed agreement, and completion of three and a half (3.5) hours of continuing education to be applied to the 2015 - 2016 licensure renewal reporting period.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 2, 2019, Ms. Anne Mattsson, a dental hygienist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for continuing to act in the capacity of administering local anesthesia after the expiration of her permit. Ms. Mattsson agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      GEOFFREY W. WAGNER, D.D.S. (DEN2877)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated May 1, 2019, Dr. Geoffrey Wagner, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a rule adopted by the Board by prescribing a preoperative sedative to a child age 12 and under without first obtaining a moderate sedation permit from the Board. Dr. Wagner agreed to the following disciplinary action: A) a Warning; and B) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 1, 2019, and to resolve case number 18-102, Ms. Lori-Lynne Wilcox-Robson admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and admits that grounds exist for the Maine Board of Dental Practice to deny her application or impose conditions on her dental radiography license application Ms. Wilcox-Robson agrees to accept the following conditions on her license: a. a Warning; b. two-years' probation with the following terms: (i) continue with clinical treatment and vocational rehabilitation as recommended by her physician, Dr. N.; (ii) notify the Board within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change of personal address, employment, or practice location; and (iii) provide the Board with quarterly reports listing the days on which she attended therapy sessions.

      BRUCE I. MILZMAN, D.D.S. (DEN4673)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on March 15, 2019, to consider the application of Bruce I. Milzman, D.D.S. to become licensed to practice dentistry in the State of Maine. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board concluded that Dr. Milzman engaged in misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board. Based on this finding, the Board imposed the following penalties: i.) A Reprimand; ii.) A license probation of two (2) years following issuance of license during which time Dr. Milzman shall obey all Board statutes and rules; and iii.) An assessment of costs of investigation and hearing in an amount not to exceed $3,000 to be paid no later than 360 days after the effective date of the order.

      ANITA M. ROBBINS (RAD2855)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on April 3, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-16, Ms. Anita Robbins, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and admitted that making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Ms. Robbins agreed to the following discipline: a. a formal warning; b. a civil penalty of $50.00 to be paid within ninety (90) days; and c. a five-year period of probation during which her license is subject to the following conditions: notification to the Board within ten days of any arrest; criminal summons; charge or indictment for any crime; or conviction for any crime.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 18, 2019, and to resolve case number 18-78, Ms. Chelsie Thibault, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings. Ms. Thibault accepts a formal Warning as discipline for the misconduct; and her license to practice dental hygiene shall be subject to the following conditions: (i) abstinence from use or possession of prohibited substances; (ii) continued enrollment in and compliance with the Maine Medical Professionals Health Program ("MPHP") monitoring agreement; (iii) notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, conviction, relapse, or change of personal address, employment, or practice location; and (iv) provide the Board with monthly reports regarding MPHP compliance.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 15, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-15, Ms. Katherine Landry, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and admitted that failing to report a conviction to the Board within 10 days constitutes grounds for disciplinary action. Ms. Landry agreed to the following discipline: a. a formal warning; and b. a license probation of twelve (12) months with the following conditions: (i) notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, or conviction; (ii) abide by the terms and conditions of the Monitoring Agreement executed with the Medical Professionals Health Program ("MPHP"); and (iii) ensure that the Board receives a written report from the MPHP at the end of the required six months.

      ANGELA C. DORSETT, (RDH3663)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on March 15, 2019, and to resolve case number 19-14, Ms. Angela Dorsett, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in the agreement and agreed that a conviction of a crime involving dishonesty and failing to report such conviction to the Board subjects her to disciplinary action. The disciplinary action taken against her license includes: a. a formal warning; and b. a license probation of twelve (12) months with the following conditions: (i) notification within ten days of any arrest, criminal summons, charge, indictment, or conviction; (ii) continue with monthly counseling for a period of six months; and (iii) ensure that the Board receives a written report from her counselor at the end of the required six months.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated March 5, 2019, Ms. Danielle Robertson, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a provision of the Dental Practice Act; and 2) practicing as a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Robertson agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a Warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated March 5, 2019, Ms. Frances P. Pendleton, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a provision of the Dental Practice Act; and 2) practicing as a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Pendleton agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a Reprimand; 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $100.00; and 3) completion of three (3) hours of continuing education pertaining to ethics in the dental profession.


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice voted to deny Mr. Vahid Ebrahimi's application for a Maine dentist license, which became final on February 18, 2019. The Board's denial was based upon an allegation that the applicant, Mr. Ebrahimi, engaged in the practice of fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board. The documents submitted to the Board by Mr. Ebrahimi verifying his credentials for dentist licensure were not issued by the respective entities. Those entities included the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, the National Dental Examining Board of Canada, the University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, and the Western Regional Examining Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 28, 2019, and to resolve complaint number 18-94, Russell Collett, DDS, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings of a violation that on seven (7) separate occasions he failed to produce requested documents that were in his possession or under his control that were relevant to a pending complaint, proceeding, or matter under investigation by the Board. The terms of the consent agreement include: a. a formal censure; b. imposition of a $10,500 civil penalty to be paid within 90 days of the executed agreement; c. a condition of licensure that he provide all records previously requested relating to complaint number 16-82 within thirty (30) days of the executed agreement.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 25, 2019, and to resolve case number 18-93, Dr. Erik Johnson, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he is subject to discipline for unprofessional conduct by possessing controlled substances in a way other than for dental therapeutic purposes. The terms of his consent agreement include: a. a formal warning; b. a condition of licensure which includes the following: Board approval of a written protocol for the storage, prescribing, dispensing, and disposal of controlled substances, and maintain a written controlled substances log which shall be reported quarterly to the Board.

      MEGAN J. LUCIER, DMD (DEN3827)

      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated January 25, 2019, Dr. Megan Lucier, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, agreed to an immediate, interim license suspension which will stay in effect until the Board takes final agency action regarding the allegations identified in the complaint. The Board agreed to postpone further adjudication until the sooner of the following events: (a) the date Dr. Lucier's criminal proceedings are resolved; or (b) the Board sets the matter for an adjudicatory hearing.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 11, 2019, and to resolve complaint number 18-57, Brianna Steinback, a dental radiographer who held a license issued by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings as follows: 1) misuse of drugs that could result in the performing services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; 2) for engaging in unprofessional conduct as established by Board Rule by possessing or using controlled substances or prescription drugs in a way other than for dental therapeutic purposes; and 3) for having been convicted of a crime that involves dishonesty. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, and a license revocation effective retroactively to June 15, 2018.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 11, 2019, and to resolve complaint number 18-73, and his applications for license renewal, Dr. Jeffrey Jordan, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he is subject to a conditional license and discipline for unprofessional conduct for not securing a deferment or repayment plan in order to avoid default on his student loans. The terms of his consent agreement include: a. a formal warning; and b. compliance with the Medical Professionals Health Program Behavioral Health Monitoring Agreement, including monthly reporting to the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 11, 2019, and to resolve complaint number 16-32, James Waterhouse, III, DMD, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he violated a standard of care with regards to the treatment of his patient. The terms of the consent agreement include: a. a formal warning; b. license probation for one (1) year which includes successful completion of six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of recordkeeping and risk management within 90 days of the executed agreement; and c. submit to the Board five (5) patient records for review on a timetable during the period of probation.

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Adverse Actions 2018 +

    Adverse Actions 2018


      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on November 9, 2018, to determine whether to reinstate Daniel P. Schecter's license to practice dentistry in Maine. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board concluded that Dr. Schecter: 1) is in sustained recovery from the misuse of alcohol, drugs or other substances, but finds that proof of his prior misuse is cause to reinstate his license with conditions in order to protect the public; 2) is in remission regarding his diagnoses of cannabis and alcohol use disorders, but finds that the diagnoses are cause to reinstate his license with conditions in order to protect the public; 3) is in noncompliance with a consent agreement executed by the Board, but finds that reinstatement with conditions is sufficient to protect the public; and 4) failed to comply with conditions of probation, but finds that reinstatement of his license with conditions is sufficient to protect the public.

      As a condition to reinstate Dr. Schecter's license he must submit the following to the Board: a) the name and address of a Maine licensed dentist in good standing who will provide supervision; b) a contract confirming participation with the Maine Medical Professionals Health Program; c) the name and address of a licensed Maine mental health professional who will provide treatment of his misuse of alcohol, drugs, or other substances; and d) Proof of a student loan deferment status, or provide a written repayment plan agreement with the lender.

      As a condition to practice, Dr. Schecter shall for a period of five years upon his return to practice dentistry: a) practice under the direct supervision of a licensed Maine dentist in good standing; b) not prescribe controlled substances or medications, including all opiates, and shall not practice in any office that dispenses such substances or medications; c) subject his practice to unannounced Board inspections and shall be responsible for all costs; d) shall not apply for a sedation permit; and e) remain in treatment for the misuse of alcohol and other substances.

      DAVID R. STEUER, DMD (DEN3810)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on November 9, 2018, to determine whether grounds existed for the Board to impose discipline against the license of David R. Steuer, DMD based on complaint number 18-46. By the preponderance of the evidence, the Board concluded that Dr. Steuer: 1) Engaged in fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in connection with services within the scope of his license by fabricating a letter and submitting it to the Board as evidence in defense of a complaint; 2) Engaged in fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in connection with services within the scope of his license by knowingly making written and false statements to the Board that he had sent a particular letter to another dentist; 3) Engaged in unprofessional conduct by fabricating a letter and submitting it to the Board as evidence in defense of a complaint; 4) Engaged in unprofessional conduct by knowingly making written and false statements to the Board that he had sent a particular letter to another dentist; and, 5) Failed to produce a requested document in his possession or under his control relevant to a pending complaint. Based on the above findings, the Board imposed the following penalties: i.) A Reprimand; ii.) A civil penalty in the amount of $1,500 to be paid no later than 180 days after the effective date of the order; and iii.) An assessment of costs of investigation and hearing in an amount not to exceed $3,000 to be paid no later than 180 days after the effective date of the order.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on December 7, 2018, and to resolve complaint number 16-18, Paul Lalicata, a denturist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's findings that he: 1) violated an established standard of professional behavior for which he is licensed, 2) failed to complete his patient's treatment, 3) failed to record, update, and maintain his patient's health history, 4) failed to conduct and record a clinical inspection of his patient, 5) failed to make and keep a complete written records of each clinical treatment event, 6) failed to retain each health history, clinical examination record, prescription record, and record of clinical treatment for a period of seven years, 7) failed to make timely responses to the Board requests, and 8) that the treatment of his patient violated an established standard of professional behavior by engaging in aberrant conduct that interfered with the delivery of care. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, a $3,000 monetary penalty to be paid within 180 days of the executed agreement, completion of three (3) hours of continuing education on the subject of recordkeeping within 180 days of the executed agreement, restitution of $500 to the complainant within 30 days of the executed consent agreement, and to submit to the Board patient records for review for a period of one year.

      AUDREY E. BALZER (RAD3854)

      By an interim consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated December 7, 2018, Ms. Audrey Balzer, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, agreed to an immediate, interim license suspension which will stay in effect until the Board takes final agency action regarding the allegations identified in the complaint . The Board agreed to postpone further adjudication until the sooner of the following events: (a) the date Ms. Balzer's criminal proceedings are resolved; or (b) the Board sets the matter for an adjudicatory hearing.

      PAUL F. REMMES, DMD (DEN3326)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on November 29, 2018, and to resolve three complaint matters, Paul Remmes, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admits to the accuracy of the facts outlined in the agreement and accepts the Board's finding that he violated an established standard of care regarding case notes and treatment plan records. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal warning, a $1,500 monetary penalty to be paid within 90 days of the executed agreement, completion of six (6) hours of continuing education on the subject of recordkeeping within 90 days of the executed agreement, and Board review of patient records for compliance with standards of care for documenting pre-, intra-, and post-treatment of patients.

      THAYI LIM (RAD2134)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated October 12, 2018, Ms. Thayi Lim, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a provision of the Dental Practice Act; and 2) practicing as a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. Lim agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a Warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated October 12, 2018, Ms. Darcie McCormick, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a provision of the Dental Practice Act; and 2) practicing as a dental radiographer after the expiration of her license. Ms. McCormick agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a Warning; and 2) payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 21, 2018, Ms. Shannon Marriner, a dental hygienist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: 1) violating a provision of the Dental Practice Act; and 2) administering local anesthesia after the expiration of her permit. Ms. Marriner agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) a Warning; and 2) payment of a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      GINA L. WILT (RAD2098)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on September 21, 2018, Ms. Gina Wilt, a dental radiographer licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to the Board’s statute for the following: 1) making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board; 2) engaging in unprofessional conduct for violating a standard of professional behavior by making a misrepresentation on a license application Ms. Wilt agreed to the following disciplinary action: 1) A Warning; 2) Payment of a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00; and 3) Notify the Board within ten days any arrest, criminal summons, charge/indictment for any crime, and conviction of any crime.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on August 9, 2018, Russell Collett, DDS, a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for the following: (1) administering sedation/general anesthesia at a location which activity required a permit under Board rules that was beyond the scope of acts authorized by the licenses and permits held by Dr. Collett; (2) administering sedation/general anesthesia without first obtaining a permit from the board; and (3) failing to document multiple components of the patient information required to be in anesthetic records as well as the level of sedation administered to patients. The licensee accepted the following: (a.) a warning; (b.) a civil penalty of $2,900.00 to be paid within 180 days following the execution of the agreement; and (c) probation for a period of 180 days commencing on the effective date of the agreement, during which Dr. Collett shall permit the Board to review records of patients to whom he has administered sedation or general anesthesia.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated August 1, 2018, Ms. Karen Canning, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline for the conduct of practicing dental radiography after the expiration of her license. The licensee agreed to the following disciplinary action: a warning, and payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.

      HEATHER J. DAKIN (RAD3281)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice voted to deny Ms. Heather Dakin's application for reinstatement of a Maine dental radiography license, which became final on July 19, 2018. The Board's denial was based upon the following allegations: A) Ms. Dakin's unlicensed practice of dental radiography; B) Her misuse of drugs, alcohol, or other substances that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; C) Ms. Dakin's professional diagnosis of a medical or physical condition that may result in performance of professional services in a manner that endangers the health or safety of patients; D) engaging in unprofessional conduct by failing to provide accurate information on her application for license reinstatement; and E) her violation of a Board statute or rule.

      JAMES S. DIXON (RAD3841)

      The Maine Board of Dental Practice held an adjudicatory hearing on June 15, 2018, to consider Applicant James S. Dixon's appeal from the preliminary denial of his application for licensure as a dental radiographer. The Board upheld the preliminary denial of licensure and refused to grant licensure as a dental radiographer because: 1.) Mr. Dixon had been convicted of a Class C crime that carried a sentence of a year or more in prison, and 2.) Mr. Dixon had not demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that he had been sufficiently rehabilitated to warrant the public trust. The Decision and Order was finalized on July 13, 2018.

      DAVID R. STEUER, DMD (DEN3810)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on July 13, 2018, David Steuer, D.M.D., a dentist licensed by the Maine Board of Dental Practice, admitted that he engaged in unprofessional conduct by violating a standard of professional behavior that has been established in the practice of dentistry by: 1) failing to refer Patient L for further testing, order a biopsy, or seek expert interpretation of the radiographs upon initially detecting the unusually large radiolucent lesion; and 2) pursuing a course of treatment with Patient L without first documenting differential diagnoses and considering whether root canal therapy might have adverse effects if the lesion was caused by something other than an infection. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, an agreement that Dr. Steuer voluntarily surrender his license effective August 13, 2018; and that he not apply for any license with the Board for a period of five (5) years after the effective date of the consent agreement.


      By agreement fully executed by the parties dated June 15, 2018, Ms. Brianna (Brown) Steinback, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, agreed to an immediate, interim license suspension which will stay in effect until the Board takes final agency action. The Board agreed to postpone further adjudication until the sooner of the following events: (a) the date Ms. Steinback's criminal proceedings are resolved; or (b) the Board sets the matter for an adjudicatory hearing.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated June 11, 2018, Ms. Pamela Stoddard, a dental radiographer licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline for the conduct of practicing dental radiography after the expiration of her license. The licensee agreed to the following disciplinary action: a warning, and payment a civil penalty in the amount of $50.00.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on May 4, 2018, Pankaj Thakker, DMD, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice admitted to the facts set forth in the consent agreement and agreed to discipline pursuant to board statute for failing to report in writing to the Board, the disciplinary action taken by the New Hampshire Board of Dental Examiners within 10 days of the imposition of discipline. The licensee accepted the following: (1) a warning; and (2) a condition of licensure such that Dr. Thakker must submit to the Board for review and approval no later than July 3, 2018, completed and signed Certification Forms as applicable for the administration and use of deep sedation and general anesthesia for each and every location he holds a permit.


      By Consent Agreement fully executed by the parties on April 6, 2018, Teneitra Grenier admits to the facts, and admits that such conduct constitutes grounds for imposing restrictions on her license. Ms. Grenier will be issued a dental radiography license and agrees to accept a license probation for a period of five (5) years with the following conditions: 1.) Ms. Grenier shall fully comply with the Maine Dental Practice Act and all rules promulgated by the Board; 2.) She shall notify the Board, within 48 hours, of the occurrence of reportable events as outlined in the consent agreement; 3.) Ms. Grenier shall provide a copy of the Consent Agreement to any licensed dental practitioner who employs her as a dental professional; 4.) Ms. Grenier shall ensure that any licensed dental practitioner who employs her files a written acknowledgement with the board within thirty (30) days of the commencement of her employment, that the employer has received and read a copy of this Consent Agreement; and 5.) Abstain from the use of alcohol and illicit drugs, and continue her counseling sessions with quarterly reports filed with the Board.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on April 6, 2018, Beatrice Tokayer, a denturist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted to the facts outlined in three separate complaint cases. Ms. Tokayer also admitted that such conduct constitutes grounds for disciplining her license for unprofessional conduct by failing to adhere to practice closure procedures. The terms of the consent agreement include an admission, a formal warning, and for Ms. Tokayer not to apply for licensure with the Board or work in the field of denturism or at a dental lab in the State of Maine in the future.

      MARK G. TURNER, DDS (DEN4464)

      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties dated February 28, 2018, Dr. Mark Turner admitted that he failed to comply with the Maine Dental Practice Act for making a misrepresentation in obtaining a license from the Board; and for engaging in unprofessional conduct by violating a standard of professional behavior by making a misrepresentation on his initial application for licensure dated January 5, 2016. Dr. Turner agreed to accept a Reprimand and pay a monetary penalty of $1,500.00. Dr. Turner's dental license was renewed upon receipt of the fully executed consent agreement.


      By consent agreement fully executed by the parties on January 5, 2018, Mark Dickinson, D.D.S, a dentist licensed by the Board of Dental Practice, admitted that if the eight, separate complaint cases were to go to hearing, the Board has sufficient evidence from which it could conclude that the allegations are true and that he would be subject to discipline by the Board. The terms of the consent agreement include a formal reprimand, an agreement that Dr. Dickinson shall never apply for any license or registration issued by the Board, and that he will never work or volunteer in Maine in any occupation related to the delivery of dental services regardless of compensation.

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