Financial Incentives

Get an estimate of the value of Maine’s key tax incentive programs for your business

Information on rulemaking for the new Dirigo Business Incentives Program

The State of Maine does not vet or endorse any specific resource, but we are confident you will find supports that match your needs.

Questions? Want to learn more about all the great programs Maine has to offer? Contact us!

 Tax Incentives

Dirigo Business Incentives

Maine state tax credits for capital investments and working training investments in certain business sectors.

Opportunity Zones

Reduce capital gains taxes on your investments in specific underserved communities in Maine through this federal tax incentive program.

Municipal Tax Increment Financing (MTIF)

Leverage new property taxes generated by a specific development to finance public or private projects. Municipalities create MTIF districts, often in partnership with businesses.

Tax Credits and Exemptions

Business Equipment Tax Relief Programs

Receive up to a 100% tax exemption from personal property taxes on your eligible business equipment.

Additional Tax Credits and Sales Tax Exemptions

Tax credits are available for R&D expenses and the production of renewable chemicals and biofuels. Maine state sales tax exemptions are available for manufacturing, R&D, custom computer programming, fuel & electricity, commercial agricultural and aquacultural production, and biotechnology. Renewable energy equipment is exempt from local property tax.

Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit Program

Income tax credit for your investment in a Maine business as an individual or venture capital fund.

Education Opportunity Tax Credit (Opportunity Maine)

Reimburses student loan payments for college graduates who live and work in Maine. The tax credit is also available to businesses that make student loan payments for their employees.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Credit against your income or Social Security tax for hiring members of a specified target group at your business.

Maine New Markets Capital Investment Program

State tax credit for your equity investment in a Community Development Entity.

State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit

State tax credit for your rehabilitation of a historic structure, tied to the federal Historic Rehabilitation Credit.