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Maine Adaptive BMP Cooperative (ABC)
List of Training Reviewers
Colin (Al) Beeson
Al earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Forest Management from the University of Vermont in 1974.
Al held positions as an Engineering Technician for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and as a Construction and Maintenance Supervisor for St. Regis Paper, Champion International, International Paper, and American Forest Management. During this time, his job duties focused on the design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation of land management roads and water crossings throughout Maine. Furthermore, Al is a highly regarded instructor, regularly collaborating with multiple partners to deliver Best Management Practices (BMP) training for logging and forestry professionals.
Kevin Doran
Kevin is a licensed forester and holds a Doctorate of Education from Nova Southeastern University, with a focus on adult learning and organizational leadership. He has a Master of Science (MS) degree in Adult & Higher Education from the University of Southern Maine (USM) and a Bachelor of Science degree in Resource Management from SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Additionally, Kevin earned an Associate Degree from the New York State Ranger School, specializing in Forest Technology.
Currently, Kevin serves as an Assistant Professor of MS Adult and Higher Education at USM. Kevin’s 45 years of professional experience include positions as the Maine Forest Service Natural Science Educator, the University of New Hampshire Extension Educator/County Forester, the Stanley Tools and Cooper Industries Forest Manager, and the Maine Audubon Northern Forest Education Outreach Coordinator. Kevin has also been employed as a forester at James Vardaman & Co. and has worked as a self-employed consulting forester.
Steven Koenig
Steven earned a Bachelor of Science degree in cellular biology from the University of Michigan. In addition, he studied oceanography and limnology at the University of Wisconsin and fish physiology at West Virginia University. Steven’s professional qualifications also include Maine DEP certification in Erosion and Sediment Control Practices, as well as training by the US Forest Service in Natural Stream Channel Design and Engineered Log Structure Design.
Currently, Steven serves as the Associate Director of Project SHARE, a 501(c)(3) organization focused on the restoration of Atlantic salmon habitat and natural ecosystem function in Eastern Maine. Throughout his 21-year tenure, he has collaborated with numerous partners to develop a highly successful habitat restoration program. Steven actively works with non-governmental organizations and resource agencies to host stream restoration workshops throughout Maine.
In recognition of his work, Steven was honored with the National Fish Habitat Action Plan's inaugural national award in 2009. Additionally, he was honored as an "Endangered Species Recovery Champion" by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in 2012.
John Starrett
John is a licensed forester and holds a Associates degree in forestry management from the University of Maine in Orono.
Throughout his 41 year career, John has held various positions at Sappi North America, International Paper, Andover Wood Products, and Kolman Land Consultants. His jobs have included survey crew team member, log scaler, operations forester, Landowner Assistance Program forester, and stumpage procurement forester.
John has actively participated in the Maine Tree Farm Committee, the SFI SIC Education Committee, and the Certified Logging Professional Advisory Committee for many years.