Get Involved

Black and White Warbler

Black-and-white Warbler

The great thing about being a citizen scientist for the Maine Bird Atlas is that it doesn’t matter what you don’t know. Whether it is one record or a thousand, just report what you do know. Every sighting counts, everywhere in the state. Everyone can submit records from anywhere in the state, even if others already have submitted observations for a given area or ‘adopted’ a specific region. Just find an approach that works for you:

1. You can keep a complete checklist of birds you observe, whether it be in your yard or while out for a hike

If you are really ready to commit, you can even “Adopt A Block”. By adopting a block, you’re agreeing to completely surveying that 9 square mile area during the breeding season by the end of the five-year project window.

While anyone can submit observations to any block, having blocks adopted helps those of us overseeing the project plan ahead for directing additional volunteer effort.


2. Simply submit incidental observations

Records of breeding or wintering birds, anywhere in Maine, are welcome and an important source of information. Taking the dog for a walk and you spot a crow carrying a stick or see a family of cardinals at your feeder? Those are examples of incidental observations!

Kestrel in box

American Kestrel

Atlasing Basics

We’re looking for bird observations during the winter (14 December – 15 March) and during the breeding season (varies by species). Whether you’re contributing an incidental observation or a complete checklist, here are the basics of Atlasing.


  • what you see
  • when and where you see it
  • how many individuals of a species you see at any one time
  • and, during the breeding season, the bird’s behavior (or what the bird was doing?)

Ready to Sign Up?

Go to the sign up page, and we’ll walk you through the sign-up process. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Excited to contribute to the project but not sure where to start?

Find the help and answers you’re looking for with an option below that is right for you:

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