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Occupational Injury and Illness Data Profiles
- Find out where and how your workers are getting hurt
- Prevent future injuries
The Maine Department of Labor collects data on occupational injuries and illnesses from a variety of sources.
The Research and Statistics Unit of the Maine Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Standards collects data on occupational injuries and illnesses from a variety of sources.
At no cost, we can provide:
- An easy-to-use profile of your company workers’ compensation claims for the past 10 years. The profile provides details such as types and causes of injuries involving cases that involve one or more days away from work.
- State and National injury profile for your industry.
- Special profiles of different types of injuries and fatalities.
To request an injury profile, call 207-623-7900 or e-mail steven.p.laundrie@maine.gov
We will mail or fax the profiles to you within seven working days.
Your only obligation is to complete a short confidential survey after you receive the data. The results of this survey will tell us how useful the profiles are and how we can improve this service.
Please note:
To ensure confidentiality, we only provide company profiles to officials of the company.
You can use the data to:
- Analyze injury trends
- Analyze work injury losses
- Identify common causes of injuries
- Develop accident prevention activities
- Develop training programs and materials
- Conduct safety and health research
- Support grant applications
- Support contract bids
- Conduct company and community health needs assessments
- Evaluate effectiveness of safety and health programs
- Conduct safety and health walkthroughs
- Advocate for safety and health policy and legislation
Comments From Data Users
Mike St. Peter, Certified Logging Professionals uses the data for trend and loss control analyses and developing accident prevention activities.
"You don’t know where you are headed unless you can look back and see where you have been."
Lee Martin, VP of Human Resources Affiliated Health System:
"We find the info very useful for identifying adverse trends."
Tanya Roberts, HR Manager
"I found the info very useful and found out that we are not the only ones having these types of injuries."
Susan Goodfellow, YMCA, Bath
"I found the info historically accurate and informative, used it for training and education."
Beth Wilds, Kris-Way-Truck Leasing
"The data was used to compare with other companies in our industry and gave me a benchmark. Will use it in future safety meetings with employees."
James H. Fisher, AICP, Hancock County Planning Commission used the data to supplement a Healthy Community Assessment grant application.
"I‘m hopeful that this kind of information will help us provide better services locally."
The following is an overview of the injury surveillance programs administered by the Maine Department of Labor:
Maine Workers' Compensation (WCB) Board First Reports of Injury (FROI)
The statistics generated are based on injuries reported to the Maine WCB. The statistics are limited to reported claims resulting in a day or more of lost time beyond the day of the injury.
Federal OSHA Data Initiatives (ODI)
Federal OSHA uses the data to identify worksites that have significantly higher incidence rates than the national average. The data is generated from an annual national survey of about 80,000 employers using the OSHA 300 Log.
Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey of Occupational Injury & Illness (SOII)
The Research and Statistics Unit collaborates with the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics to collect data on the number of workplace injuries and illnesses. The data is generated using the OSHA 300 Log.
Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI)
The CFOI program collects fatality data using guidelines established by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. To be included in CFOI, a fatality must be the result of an incident that occurs while the employee is in work status.
Maine Fatality Assessment, Control & Evaluation Program (FACE)
The Maine FACE pilot program is a state-funded program modeled after the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health FACE program. The goal of the FACE program is to prevent occupational fatalities across the nation by identifying and investigating work situations at high risk for injury.
Additional Data Sources:
Substance Abuse Testing Survey
All companies with approved Substance Abuse Testing Policies are required to participate in this survey. The survey report lists all companies with approved testing policies, laboratories licensed by the State to test and outcomes of these tests as reported by the employers.
The Prevailing Wage Rate Survey on Construction Projects
Results of an annual survey of construction contractors are used to set prevailing wage and benefit rates that all contractors must pay their employees while working on state-funded contracts of $50,000 or more.