45 Commerce Drive, Suite 1
104 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
Main line - (207) 626-3805

FAX line - (207) 287-3659

TTY line - (888) 524-7900

Commissioner - Michael Sauschuck 

Commissioner Michael J. Sauschuck came to the Department of Public Safety from the City of Portland, where he worked as the Assistant City Manager. He started his law enforcement career with the Portland Police Department in 1997 and was promoted through the ranks of that agency, ultimately becoming the Chief of Police for the department in July 2011. At the Portland Police Department, Commissioner Sauschuck was responsible for the executive command of 163 sworn officers and 60 civilian employees, and for administering a law enforcement agency with an annual budget of 16.6 million dollars. His philosophy was geared to creating partnerships with those he served in order to develop long-term solutions that help citizens thrive. He is a former United States Marine Corps Machine Gunner, and he has held specialties as a Field Training Officer, a Special Reaction Team Member, a Crisis Intervention Team Member, and a Weapons of Mass Destruction Team Member. He is a graduate of the University of Southern Maine, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology. Commissioner Sauschuck lives in Windham with his wife, Mary.


Administrative Assistant -Danielle Namer

Danielle Namer is the Administrative Assistant to the Commissioner's Office and the Colonel of the Maine State Police. She has been a State employee since 2017.

Assistant to the Commissioner - Derek Gorneau

Derek Gorneau has served Maine State Government in various senior management and executive-level positions for over 10 years. He came to the Department of Public Safety from the Office of Information Technology (OIT), where he was the Finance Director for two years. As Assistant to the Commissioner of Public Safety, he is charged with overseeing the financial management of the Department. He works with the Commissioner and the Bureau Chiefs on day-to-day management issues as well as long-range planning.