MLTI Liaisons

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To ensure equitable access to statewide innovative, high-quality MLTI professional learning opportunities that emphasize research-based, effective, and relevant student-centered principles, MLTI 2.0 is tackling professional learning through a scaffolded approach to provide state-wide, regional, and local support that is relevant, timely, and “baked in” in to what teachers are already doing in their classrooms.

Part of this includes assembling a community of MLTI Liaisons to help represent school's goals and needs for professional learning, allowing MLTI professional learning to have a truly school-based approach.


What is an MLTI Liaison?

An MLTI Liaison is someone at each MLTI school who understands the professional learning needs of the teachers in the school and can be the go-between for teachers and relevant MLTI professional learning opportunities.

The role of a school’s MLTI Liaison is to facilitate a working relationship between the school’s teachers and the MLTI Ambassador. The liaison is a pivotal point person between the school and the MLTI Ambassador.

The MLTI Liaison is chosen based on their knowledge of staff technology needs, desire to work collaboratively, and knowledge of school goals. The Liaison can be any member of a 7th and/or 8th grade team, it does not have to be the technology teacher/integrator/director. The MLTI Liaison role does not have a stipend attached and should be viewed as an opportunity for leadership and networking. 

What do the MLTI Liaisons do?

  Supporting the School

  • Work to create technology goals.
  • Identify "pain points".
  • Facilitate communication between school and MLTI.



  Connecting Teachers with PD

  • Identify teacher needs and wants.
  • Publicize MLTI PD to teachers and administration.
  • Encourage teacher participation and progress.


  Networking and Leadership

  • Work with MLTI Ambassador on PD opportunities.
  • Assist in organizing technology-focused school events and groups.
  • Network with other MLTI Liaisons.