MaineCare Renewals Data Dashboard

MaineCare renewals resumed in April 2023. This dashboard tracks MaineCare renewal activity throughout the unwinding process to review eligibility for over 400,000 members.

For more information about the MaineCare unwinding process, how DHHS is supporting MaineCare members during redetermination, and what steps MaineCare members should take to complete the renewal process visit

Important notes on the data and a list of acronyms and definitions are included below.

Updated: September 10, 2024


  • DHHS implemented a process called “passive renewal” or “ex parte" starting with members due for renewal in August 2023. This process allows the Department to check allowable data sources to determine a member’s eligibility and, if they are found to be eligible, automatically renew their MaineCare coverage without requiring the member to manually complete and return a renewal form. This process was initially implemented at the household level.
  • Following CMS engagement with all states in August 2023 regarding ex parte renewal, DHHS suspended disenrollment of members for the “procedural” reason of not returning their recertification form until the passive renewal process could be implemented at the individual level in July 2024.
  • Members due for renewal during the final period of unwinding (August – October 2024) are those who did not respond to a renewal request during the initial unwinding period (May 2023 – April 2024). These members were counted as “pending/overdue” until their eligibility could be reviewed using the passive renewal process at the individual, versus household, level. OFI sends regular paper or e-renewal forms to members unable to be renewed via passive renewal. More details about the remaining population can be found in this memo.

Acronyms & Definitions

  • MaineCare: Maine’s Medicaid program
  • Ex parte / passive renewals: A process that allows renewal of coverage without the individual completing a form or providing documentation

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