Local Health Officer Training

Section 6: You Make the Call

Case Study 3 - Outdoor Wood Boiler Outdoor Wood Boiler

You receive a complaint about a newly installed Outdoor Wood Boiler. This "outside the home heating unit" emits a large amount of smoke.  The complainant has to close his windows; he cannot use his backyard or sit on his patio when the boiler is "burning".

Consult the LHO complaint flow chart, Statutes, and other reference materials.

The Maine Department of Environmental Protection established regulations for Outdoor Wood Boiler (OWB) under "Control of Emissions from Outdoor Wood Boilers Rule" 6-96 CMR 150. These regulations can be found at https://www.maine.gov/sos/cec/rules/06/096/096c150.doc (Word*).

Highlights of the Control of Emissions from Outdoor Wood Boilers Rule

  1. Only the burning of clean wood is permitted.
  2. Horizontal setback distances, particulate emissions requirements, and smoke stack heights are specified.
  3. If an abutting residence is located less than 500 feet from the outdoor wood boiler, the OWB must have an attached stack height 2 feet higher than the peak of the roof of the structure being served by the outdoor wood boiler.
  4. If visible emissions totaling twelve minutes in any hour, cross onto any land or buildings immediately adjacent to a dwelling or commercial building not owned by the owner of the OWB the operation of the OWB is prohibited. (See Emissions from Outdoor Wood Boilers, 6-96 CMR 150 (pdf*) (new window)


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