Local Health Officer Training

Section 2: Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. objectives pictureYou will be able to describe the LHO’s overall roles.
    1. This course covers the differences between mandatory duties and those duties that are authorized but not mandatory.
    2. You will learn about the scope of the LHO authority.
    3. You will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of the LHO roles through short knowledge checks.
  2. You will be able to describe how an LHO addresses commonly occurring situations where the nuisance comes with a variety of legal penalties.
    1. This objective covers situations where the LHO is empowered by the fact that the nuisance carries with it a fine or the ability to apply a lien to the property.
    2. This course outlines the procedures to follow in these common situations.
    3. You will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of mandatory duties through short knowledge checks using brief examples.


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