Maine CDC Health Advisory
November 7, 2022
CDC: Increased Respiratory Virus Activity, Especially Among Children, Early in the 2022-2023 Fall and Winter
Please take a moment to review this information from U.S. CDC regarding increased respiratory virus activity in the U.S., including in Maine. The information provided here also addresses current trends of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), seasonal influenza, COVID-19, and enterovirus/rhinovirus (EV/RV).
Individual laboratory reports of positive RSV and influenza tests are not required to be reported to Maine CDC. Influenza-associated hospitalization (lab-confirmed) and influenza-associated pediatric death are reportable conditions. Additionally, any school, daycare, or healthcare facility with any sudden increase in respiratory illness should notify Maine CDC by phone at 800-821-5821 or by fax at 800-293-7534.