Maine CDC Health Advisory
July 27, 2022
COVID-19 Treatment Updates: Training Videos for Prescribers, Clinical Considerations, Prescribing Paxlovid, and Using Bebtelovimab
COVID-19 remains a major health concern in Maine and across the United States. COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in the U.S. in 2020 and 2021. New variants continue to emerge, some with higher transmissibility and an ability to cause breakthrough infections in those who have been vaccinated and in those with prior COVID-19 infection. Vaccination remains the best protection against infection, hospitalization, and death. Vaccines are available for people 6 months and older and boosters are available for people 5 years and older; additional doses and other pre-exposure prophylaxis for people with moderate/severe immunocompromise. People should keep up to date on COVID-19 vaccination. Getting vaccine doses now will not preclude receiving additional vaccine doses in the fall or beyond.
Maine continues to see COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths, largely among younger, unvaccinated adults and older, vaccinated adults. In people with mild or moderate COVID-19 illness who are at high risk for severe disease, treatment can sharply reduce the risk of progressing to hospitalization or death. Outpatient treatment of COVID-19 is the standard of care for eligible patients. Health care providers, particularly those in primary care specialties, should become familiar with these therapeutics and how to prescribe them for appropriate patients.