Maine CDC Health Advisory
February 17, 2021
Notifiable Diseases and Conditions Rule Update, Re-Instatement of Requirement to Submit SARS-CoV-2 Samples
The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) has updated its Rules for the Control of Notifiable Diseases and Conditions. The new rule goes into effect today, February 17, 2021. One of the most significant parts of the rule is the Notifiable Diseases and Conditions List, which states the diseases and conditions required to be reported to the state.
The Rules for the Control of Notifiable Diseases and Conditions were first drafted in 1976 by the Department of Health and Human Services. The last revision to the rules occurred in 2015.Maine CDC has updated the Rules for the Control of Notifiable Diseases and Conditions to better align with new and emerging diseases and more efficient methods of reporting that are being adopted nationally. The updated rules reinforce the requirements for electronic laboratory reporting of notifiable diseases as well as compliance with provider reporting.