Maine CDC Health Advisory
June 5, 2020
Acute Hepatitis A Case in a Food Service Worker in Saco, Maine
The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) has identified a case of acute hepatitis A virus infection in a Saco, Maine, food service worker. The case handled food while infectious from May 12, 2020, thru May 23, 2020.
Epidemiological assessment of the employee's illness determined that restaurant patrons may be at risk for hepatitis A infection. Maine CDC is recommending that anyone who may have eaten food prepared at or worked at the Sea Salt Lobster Restaurant in Saco on May 22, 2020, and May 23, 2020, receive hepatitis A vaccine by Saturday, June 6, 2020, as there is a 14-day window during which prophylaxis is effective after exposure. This recommendation includes anyone who may have had take-out, delivery, or curbside pickup of food from the restaurant. Anyone who visited the restaurant from May 12, 2020, thru May 21, 2020, is outside the window for which prophylaxis is recommended, but are advised to watch for symptoms and seek medical attention should they develop symptoms. Health care providers are encouraged to remain vigilant for hepatitis A infection in persons with consistent symptoms and should ask individuals with such symptoms about consumption of food from this establishment during this period.