Maine CDC Health Advisory
June 14, 2019
Acute Hepatitis A Case in a Food Service Worker in Presque Isle, Maine
Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) identified additional cases of acute hepatitis A virus infection in Aroostook County. Close contacts at risk are already being notified. The only risk to the public identified by Maine CDC at this time involves a Presque Isle food service worker.
The Presque Isle case served food and drink while infectious on May 26, 2019 and June 2, 2019.
Maine CDC recommends the hepatitis A vaccine as post-exposure prophylaxis to anyone who ate or worked at the Mai Tai Restaurant in Presque Isle, Maine between 11:00am and 4:30pm on June 2, 2019. Exposed persons can receive post-exposure prophylaxis up to 14 days from exposure, after which the treatment is no longer effective. Anyone who visited the restaurant between 11:00am and 4:30pm on May 26, 2019 is outside the window for which prophylaxis is recommended, but they should watch for symptoms and seek medical attention should they develop symptoms.
Health care providers are encouraged to remain vigilant for hepatitis A infection in persons with consistent symptoms. All cases of hepatitis are reportable in Maine. Providers with suspected cases should report them to Maine CDC at 1-800-821-5821.