Maine CDC Health Advisory
December 7, 2023
Maine CDC Reports Record Number of Lyme Disease Cases
Maine continues to see a record-breaking burden of human tickborne disease. As of December 7, 2023, Maine reported 2,706 cases of Lyme disease, 738 cases of anaplasmosis, 173 cases of babesiosis, 12 cases of hard tick relapsing fever, and five cases of Powassan. The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) reported record numbers of Lyme disease and Powassan surpassing the 2,652 Lyme disease cases and four Powassan cases reported in 2022. Maine also reported five cases of alpha-gal syndrome (not a reportable illness) and two cases of ehrlichiosis, which are both considered travel-related conditions in Maine. While cooler temperatures mean less tick activity, ticks may still seek human hosts whenever temperatures are above freezing. Mainers and visitors who spend time outdoors, particularly on warmer winter days, are at risk of exposure to tick bites and subsequent tickborne illness. Clinicians should consider testing for tickborne diseases in patients presenting with febrile illnesses (100.4F or 38C) year-round.