Maine CDC Health Advisory

September 6, 2023

Air Quality Alert

Particle pollution concentrations are expected to reach "Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups" (USG) level Wednesday September 6th, according to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). A dense ground-level plume of smoke from fires in Canada moved into Maine last night. For today, the 24-hour average is expected to be in the USG range for the northern region. For the remainder of the state, the 24-hour average is expected to be Moderate with only a few hours above Moderate. In addition, temperatures across the state are unseasonably warm, which could present additional risk to those spending time outdoors. At elevated particle pollution levels, children, healthy adults who exert themselves, and individuals suffering from a respiratory disease such as asthma, bronchitis or COPD can experience reduced lung function and irritation. When this happens, individuals may notice a shortness of breath, coughing, throat irritation, and/or experience an uncomfortable sensation in their chest. Additionally, those with a heart disease should also follow these recommendations.

Advisory (PDF)