Division of Environmental and Community Health

Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention

A Division of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services

DHHSMeCDCEnvironmental and Community HealthDrinking WaterPublic Water SystemsSampling Instructions

Instructions for Collecting Compliance Water Samples

Page Index



Herbicide Screen


Lead & Copper

Nitrates or Nitrites




Semi-Volatile Screen

Total Coliform Bacteria

Total Haloacetic Acid

Total Organic Carbon


Volatile Organics (Phase II and V)




Samples using all 3 empty vials are to be collected at the same point and following the steps below.

Note: Freeze cool-pack and replace in shipping container just prior to shipping.

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove container cap.
    CAUTION!  Sample vials contain a small amount of monochloroacetic acid as a preservative. Monochloroacetic acid may irritate skin. Open the bottles slowly and carefully.
    Do not rinse bottle.
    Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Add one tablet of dechlorinating agent to each vial.
  7. Fill vials carefully until water is to shoulder of vial.
  8. Screw cap on securely and shake vial to dissolve tablet.
  9. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  10. Return vials with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 7 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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  1. Collect one or more samples in the distribution system and print sample location on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Uncap bottle(s) and fill to shoulder with water. Screw the cap on tightly.
  6. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  7. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 28 days of collection

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Herbicide Screen

Chlorinated Acids

Note:  Freeze cool-pack and replace in shipping container just prior to shipping.

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove container cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Fill bottle carefully to shoulder. Bottle contains a dechlorinating tablet, do not flush tablet when filling bottle. Screw cap on securely and shake to dissolve tablet.
  7. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  8. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 7 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Uncap bottle and fill to shoulder with water. Screw the cap on tightly.
  6. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  7. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 48 hours of collection.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Lead & Copper

Sample Collection Sites

Sampling Protocol

  • Do not remove aerators before collecting samples.
  • Use the cold water tap. If your faucet mixes hot and cold water (does not have separate faucet heads), turn off the hot water line before you collect the sample or choose a different sampling site. Collecting hot water can result in higher lead levels.
  • Collect a “first draw” sample. Place the water sample bottle under the faucet before turning on the water. Do not run the water before collecting a lead and copper sample.
  • Ensure you’ve met the necessary six hour stagnation time. Do not intentionally flush the water line before beginning the stagnation time.

    Stagnation Time

    • Before collecting a lead and copper water sample, water must sit in the pipe for at least six hours.
    • There is no maximum stagnation time. The recommended time is six-ten hours. However, if a sample is taken at a vacant residence or at a school after summer break, that sample will count towards compliance even though it does not represent normal use.
    • If your taps are located within 10 feet of each other, you must collect your samples from these taps on different days to ensure the water has sat motionless for at least six hours in each tap (has had the necessary stagnation time.)

Sampling Procedure

  1. Let water sit motionless in the pipes for at least six hours. The recommended stagnation time is six-ten hours.
  2. Place water sample bottle under the tap and gently turn on the cold water faucet.
  3. Fill the sample container to the shoulder of the bottle or the line indicated on the sample instructions. Turn off the water and close the bottle tightly.
  4. Fill out the laboratory paper work (chain of custody and 141-A form) and submit to your laboratory with the samples. Remember to record the date and time of last water use and date and time of sample collection. Be aware that incomplete paperwork could result in a Failure to Monitor violation.
  5. Have the Designated Operator sign the 141-A form to indicate they have reviewed and approved the sample collection.
  6. Send or deliver your samples to your laboratory. Remember: Your laboratory must receive the samples within 14 days.
  7. Complete and distribute Customer Notification and Certification forms: Community | NTNC 5 sites | NTNC 10 sites (all PDF)
    • Lead sample results must be provided to customers who collected water samples. This is required for each round of lead and copper monitoring.
    • The Certification for Consumer Notification form must be completed and submitted to the Drinking Water Program within 30 days of delivering notification to your consumers.

Remember:  Always ask questions. If you think a sample was improperly collected (i.e., it was not a first draw sample, it was from an incorrect site, etc.), ask questions to ensure that you have followed proper procedure. Do not submit a sample for analysis until you are positive that it was collected properly. Once a sample is analyzed by your laboratory it counts towards compliance. It is better to ask questions and get clarification instead of risking a violation due to improper site selection or sampling technique.

Questions?  Contact your PWS Inspector or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Nitrates or Nitrites

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form. These samples must be collected after all water treatment and before the water enters the distribution system.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so that it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Uncap bottle and fill to shoulder with water. Screw the cap on tightly.
  6. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  7. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 48 hours of collection.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances


  • Read the instructions carefully.  The sampling procedure is complicated and has a high chance of producing false positives. If you have not reviewed the PFAS Sampling Guidance provided on this website, do so before beginning the sampling process. Additional guidance is available from Maine Rural Water Association (MRWA).
  • Be sure your lab is accredited for PFAS analysis.  Only DWP-accredited labs employing EPA methods 537 and 537.1 for use in potable water may be used. Coordinate with the lab to deliver sample bottles to them in a timely manner so holding times will not be exceeded. Laboratories are responsible for submitting data to the DWP.
  • Care should be taken to prevent PFAS cross-contamination when collecting samples.  See Minimizing Sample Contamination for information on products less likely to negatively affect your PFAS sample.
    Determine if the water flowing through your sample port has contact with any Teflon® sealants, tapes, or tubing.  If so, consider re-plumbing your sample port or using a different sample location.  Wait at least 2 weeks between any plumbing activities and the sampling event.

Sampling Procedure

Sample your finished drinking water (point of entry to distribution system) using the following method. If the sampling instructions provided by the accredited lab conflict with these, please follow the instructions from the lab.

  1. Fill out the sample analysis paperwork prior to arriving at the sampling location. Use a ballpoint pen. Avoid contact with any Teflon® tape or pipe thread paste on pipe fittings or sampling tap threads on the water supply discharge pipe. If the sampling port is constructed of Teflon® or low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a different sampling location should be used.
  2. Run water for five minutes or until temperature has stabilized, whichever is longer. Then reduce the flow to avoid splashing when filling the sample bottle.
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly. Use a new pair of nitrile gloves with each sample.
  4. PFAS samples should be collected first, leaving field blank bottles (described below in Item 7) for later.
    Open the PFAS sample bottle. Do not put the cap on any surface and do not allow the inside of the cap, inside of the bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.  Do not rinse the bottle as preservatives may be present.
  5. Fill each sample bottle to the neck, or a fill line, if one is marked on the sample bottle. Use all bottles (except for field blank bottles).  Important: Only use sample bottles provided by the lab. Do not overfill (or allow preservative to escape).
  6. Cap the bottle securely and gently flip the bottle upside down (approx. 5 times) until preservative is mixed in.  Do not re-open bottle from this point forward.
  7. After collecting the PFAS sample, prepare a field blank at each sampling location. The purpose of the field blank is to identify potential PFAS contamination introduced during sample collection and handling. The lab will provide PFAS-free water for the field blank. Transfer this water into the field blank bottle at the sampling location, being careful to minimize contamination as described above. The lab will determine if the field blank(s) needs to be analyzed along with the rest of your samples.
  8. Place each bottle in a sealed bag (ZipLoc® or other PFAS-free product), and place in a cooler that only contains PFAS samples (no other sample types) and ice. Your finished water sample(s) and field blank(s) should be in the same cooler. Do not use chemical (blue) ice packs.
  9. Ensure the Chain of Custody (COC) form and all labels on bottles contain the required information, including sampling date and time.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  10. Samples must be chilled during shipment and must not exceed 10°C/50°F during the first 48 hours after collection.  Sample temperature must be confirmed to be at or below 10°C/50°F when the samples are received at the laboratory. Samples stored after 48 hours of collection must be held at or below 6°C/42°F. Samples should not be frozen. Adequate ice is particularly important when collecting samples during hot weather or for overnight sample shipment. Pre-chilling the samples in the refrigerator (keeping away from potential PFAS sources) prior to packing and shipping may be needed if the sample(s) will be shipped long distances.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Gross Alpha, Radium_228, or Radium 226

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so that it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove container cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Fill bottle to the shoulder.
  7. Screw cap on securely.
  8. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  9. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

The maximum holding time is 5 days.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Radon Water

Samples using both empty vials are to be collected at the same point and following the steps below.

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so that it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove vial cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of vial, or vial threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Carefully fill the vial until water is actually above the vial rim. Then, partially fill the cap from the same tap and quickly hook the cap over the top of the vial. The Teflon side of the septum must be down.
  7. Screw cap on securely and check for air bubbles by inverting the vial and gently tapping the cap. Samples with bubbles cannot be analyzed. If bubbles are present, empty the vial and repeat the sampling procedure (steps 1-7).
  8. Fill the second vial using the same procedure (steps 1-7).
  9. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  10. Return vials with completed paperwork to lab.

The maximum holding time is 4 days.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Semi-Volatile Screen

SVO_525 / PEST_CL_PCBS_508

Samples using all bottles are to be collected at the same point and following the steps below.

Note: Freeze cool-pack and replace in shipping container just prior to shipping.

  1. Collect sample at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove container cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Sample bottle contains a powdered dechlorinating agent. Be sure not to flush powder from bottle when filling.
  7. Fill all 3 bottles carefully to shoulder, replace the caps, and shake to dissolve dechlorinating agent.
  8. Carefully open the plastic screw capped tubes with the blue labels on them.
    CAUTION!  The tubes contain a small amount of 1:1 Hydrochloric acid to use as a preservative. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and will cause burns. Open the tubes carefully.
    Carefully add three tubes of the hydrochloric acid to each sample bottle. Cap the bottles and shake to mix the acid with the sample.
  9. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  10. Return bottles with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 7 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Total Coliform Bacteria

  1. Collect sample at the location you indicated on your bacteria sampling site plan.
  2. Do not rinse out the bottle. The droplets of liquid or white powder inside are meant to be there. Keep cap on bottle until you collect the sample.
  3. Remove any screens, hoses, or aerators from end of faucet.
  4. Disinfect the faucet by dipping the end in a capful of bleach before turning on water. (This is optional, but recommended as a best practice.)
  5. Run COLD water for a minimum of 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  6. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample. Run water at this rate for one minute.
  7. Remove any seal, if present, from the bottle.
  8. Uncap the bottle and fill with water only to the 120 ml line. If there is no line, then fill only to the bottle’s shoulder so to leave an air space.
    Be careful not to touch the inside of cap or bottle.
    NOTE:  If you drop the cap in the sink or on the floor, do not submit the sample using this kit. Request a replacement kit from the lab.
  9. Screw cap on tightly.
  10. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  11. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 30 hours of collection.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Total Haloacetic Acid


The sample must be collected in the distribution system, with 25% of samples taken at maximum residence time, and following the steps below.

  1. Collect samples at State-approved locations in the distribution system. Print location on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. The brown sample bottle contains a special preservative. Open slowly and carefully.
    Do not rinse bottle.
    Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Fill bottle to the shoulder. Screw cap on securely. Shake bottle vigorously for one minute.
  7. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  8. Return bottle with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 14 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Total Organic Carbon


One sample is collected at source, and the second is collected at distribution site, following the steps below. There are 3 vials per sample.

  1. Collect samples at the sample point preprinted on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove vial cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of vial, or threads to be touched by any object.
    CAUTION!  The 3 vials contain a small amount of 1:1 Hydrochloric acid as a preservative. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and will cause burns. Open the bottles slowly and carefully.
  6. Fill vials carefully to the shoulder. An air pocket is OK.
  7. Screw caps on securely.
  8. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  9. Return vials with completed paperwork to lab immediately after sampling.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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(TSP) TTHM_524

Samples using all 3 empty vials are to be collected at the same point, with 25% of samples at maximum residence time, following the steps below.

  1. Collect samples at State-approved locations in the distribution system. Print location on the sample form.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove sample bottle cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Sample bottle contains a powdered dechlorinating agent. Be sure not to flush powder from bottle when filling.
  7. Run the water into the bottle until it is ¼ inch from full and put cap back on. Fill the other two vials in the same manner. Dissolve the ascorbic acid by inverting the vials.
  8. Carefully open the plastic screw-capped tube with the blue label on it.
    CAUTION!  The 3 tubes contain a small amount of 1:1 Hydrochloric acid to use as a preservative. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and will cause burns. Open the tube carefully.
    Open one VOC vial that contains water and carefully add the hydrochloric acid to it. Recap the vial and repeat with the other two full vials and the remaining two tubes of acid. Top off vial with water to assure there are no bubbles.
  9. Check for air bubbles by inverting the vial and gently tapping the cap. Samples with bubbles cannot be analyzed. If bubbles are present, gently add more water and recap sample again. Check again for bubbles.
  10. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  11. Return full vials with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 14 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Do not mail over the weekend.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Volatile Organics (Phase II and V)


Samples using all 3 empty vials are to be collected at the same point following the steps below.

  1. Collect samples at the sample point preprinted on the sample form. These samples must be collected after all water treatment and before the water enters the distribution system.
  2. Remove any screens, hoses, and aerators from end of faucet.
  3. Run COLD water for 3 to 5 minutes. Sampled water must be fresh from the well; do not sample water that has been sitting for a long time in pipes or tanks.
  4. Turn the flow of the water down so it does not splash when you collect the sample.
  5. Remove sample bottle cap. Do not allow inside of cap, inside of bottle, or bottle threads to be touched by any object.
  6. Sample bottle contains a powdered dechlorinating agent. Be sure not to flush powder from bottle when filling.
  7. Run the water into the bottle until it is ¼ inch from full and put cap back on. Fill the other two vials in the same manner. Dissolve the ascorbic acid by inverting the vials.
  8. Carefully open the plastic screw-capped tube with the blue label on it.
    CAUTION!  The 3 tubes contain a small amount of 1:1 Hydrochloric acid to use as a preservative. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid and will cause burns. Open the tube carefully.
    Open one VOC vial that contains water and carefully add the hydrochloric acid to it. Recap the vial and repeat with the other two full vials and the remaining two tubes of acid. Top off vial with water to assure there are no bubbles.
  9. Check for air bubbles by inverting the vial and gently tapping the cap. Samples with bubbles cannot be analyzed. If bubbles are present, gently add more water and recap sample again. Check again for bubbles. (Bubbles in Trip Blanks are OK.)
  10. Fill out the sample form with all required information.
    Important:  Be sure to sign the form. The sample will not be processed unless the form has a signature.
  11. Return full vials with completed paperwork to lab.

Sample must arrive at lab within 14 days of collection.

If not mailed directly after sample collection, store samples at 4°C/39°F.

Do not mail over the weekend.

Questions?  Contact your lab, or call the DWP at (207) 287-2070.

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Updated 2/15/2023