Financial Resources
Page Index
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
PFAS Grants
The Drinking Water Program has a number of funding programs available to help public water systems improve operations and management. Click on the links below for more information about each funding program available.
View or download a summary of all funding programs currently available. (PDF)
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF)
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is a State-operated program that provides funding to public water systems throughout Maine to improve or replace water system pipes, treatment plants, storage tanks, and sources of water. Funding for drinking water infrastructure improvement projects is available as low interest loans. Disadvantaged Community Water Systems may receive further assistance through principal forgiveness.
A portion of the DWSRF is used to fund non-construction projects that help improve and protect drinking water quality in Maine. These funding options include grants for source water and wellhead protection, system asset security, capacity development, and land acquisition (see below).
Click here to learn more about the DWSRF.
Capacity Development Grants – Grant money available to public water systems to enhance system capacity.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems.
Grants are for Capacity Development assistance. Systems can receive grants for the preparation of documents that will assist them in the maintenance or enhancement of water quality by identifying possible improvements in systems technical, financial and managerial operations (capacity development).
Funds Available
Please see application for this year’s available funds.
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
Capacity Development Grant Application (PDF)
Capacity Development Grant Reimbursement Forms (PDF)
Lead Service Line Inventory Assistance Grants – Grants for Community or Non-Transient, Non-Community water systems to assist with lead service line inventory activities.
Community and NTNC (non-transient, non-community) public water systems
Grants will be awarded to water systems seeking assistance with lead service line inventory activities
Funds Available
See application
Greg Connors: Email or phone (207) 592-3409
2023-24 Lead Service Line Inventory Assistance Grant Application (PDF)
2022-23 Lead Service Line Inventory Assistance Grant Reimbursement Form (PDF)
2023-24 Lead Service Line Inventory Assistance Grant Reimbursement Form (PDF)
Source Protection Grant Program – Grants for the protection of public drinking water sources, available to community or non-profit, non-community public water systems using surface water and groundwater.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems with surface water and groundwater source(s).
Grants will be awarded to projects that demonstrate a commitment to the ongoing protection of a system’s drinking water source. Sources may either be groundwater (wellhead) or surface water.
Funds Available
Please see application for this year’s available funds.
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
Source Protection Grant Application (PDF)
Source Protection Grant Reimbursement Form (PDF)
System Consolidation Grants – Partial funding (grant money) available to water systems for the purpose of consolidation with another water system.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems with a technical, managerial, or financial capacity issue that will be
addressed by the consolidation with the more viable public water system.
Water systems with a technical, managerial or financial capacity issue can receive partial funding to consolidate with a more viable public water system to enhance system capacity and de-regulate an existing public water system.
Funds Available
No more than 50% of the cost of the water system consolidation for For-Profit water systems.
No more than 75% of the cost of the water system consolidation for Non-Profit water systems.
Grants may not exceed $150,000
Eduard Chenette: Email or phone (207) 592-0456
System Consolidation Grant Application (PDF)
Very Small System Capacity Development Grants – Grant money available to public water systems with a population of 100 or less to enhance system capacity.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems that serve 100 or fewer people.
Grants are for Capacity Development assistance. Systems can receive grants for the preparation of documents that will assist them in the maintenance or enhancement of water quality by identifying possible improvements in systems technical, financial and managerial operations (capacity development).
Funds Available
Please see application for this year's available funds.
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
Very Small System Capacity Development Grant Application (PDF)
Very Small System Capacity Development Grant Reimbursement Request Forms (PDF)
Very Small System Compliance Loan Fund – 100% principal forgiveness loans for water treatment improvements required to achieve compliance with Safe Drinking Water Act standards (excluding the Total Coliform Rule)
Community systems (except those regulated by the Public Utilities Commission) with a population of 100 or less, and all not-for-profit, non-transient, non-community public water systems
This loan program provides 100 percent principal forgiveness (or grant amount) for water treatment improvements required to achieve compliance with a current or future standard of the Safe Drinking Water Act, excluding the Total Coliform Rule
Funds Available
Up to $50,000 per project
Eduard Chenette: Email or phone (207) 592-0456
Very Small System Compliance Loan Fund Application (PDF)
Very Small System Total Coliform Grants – Grant money available to Community and not-for-profit Non-Community public water systems with a population of 100 or less to install a continuous chlorination disinfection system that is needed to achieve compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act standards.
Community and not-for-profit Non-Community groundwater systems with a population of 100 or less.
This grant program provides funding to install a continuous chlorination disinfection when it is necessary to acheive compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act standards
Funds Available
Up to $10,000 per grant
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
Very Small System Total Coliform Grant Application (PDF)
Very Small System Total Coliform Grant Reimbursement Form (PDF)
Water System Asset Security Grant – Grants to community or non-profit, non-community public water systems for planning or implementing security measures to protect water system assets.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems
Systems can receive a grant to plan and/or implement security measures to protect water system assets.
Funds Available
Please see application for this year’s available funds.
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
2024 Water System Asset Security Grant Application (PDF)
Water System Asset Security Grant Reimbursement Forms (PDF): 2024 | 2023 | 2022
PFAS Grants
Resolving PFAS Contamination
Small Disadvantaged Community Emerging Contaminant Grant – Grants to small or disadvantaged community systems to address PFAS contamination.
Community public water systems with either a population of less than 10,000 or that meet the definition of a disadvantaged community.
Grants will be awarded to water systems seeking assistance with PFAS contamination issues – adding treatment, drilling a new well, consolidating with another water system, or extending water main(s) to private wells containing PFAS.
Funds Available
Up to $250,000 toward the total project cost. 90% funding of any additional needs is also available, up to a maximum grant of $4M.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Small Disadvantaged Community Emerging Contaminant Grant Information (PDF)
Small Disadvantaged Community Emerging Contaminant Grant Application (DWSRF Elligible)
Small Public Water System Emerging Contaminants Grant – Grants to small Community or Non-Transient, Non-Community public water systems to address PFAS contamination issues.
Community (not PUC-regulated) public water systems; NTNC (non-transient, non-community) school or daycare public water systems
Grants will be awarded to water systems seeking assistance with PFAS contamination issues.
Funds Available
Eligible project costs up to $50,000, with an additional $10,000 for engineering expenses
Eduard Chenette: Email or phone (207) 592-0456
Small Public Water System Emerging Contaminant Grant Requirements and Documents (PDF)
Small Public Water System Emerging Contaminant Grant Application (PDF)
Emerging Contaminant Grant (Larger Systems) – Grants to Community or Non-Transient, Non-Community public water systems to address PFAS contamination issues.
Community public water systems; NTNC (non-transient, non-community) school or daycare public water systems
Grants will be awarded to water systems seeking assistance with PFAS contamination issues where costs exceed $60,000.
Funds Available
Up to $4,000,000 per grant per year. SRF financing may be used for additional needs.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Emerging Contaminant Grant (Larger Systems) Application (DWSRF Eligible)
Emerging Contaminant Consolidation Grant – Grants to Community and NTNC public water systems to address PFAS contamination and allow consolidation with a municipal PWS that does not have a PFAS exceedance.
All Community and NTNC Public Water Systems with PFAS levels above the proposed Federal MCL of 4-ppt.
Funding to assist with costs of a water main extension to consolidate a small community or NTNC with a municipal PWS that does not have a PFAS exceedance.
Funds Available
50% of project cost up to $2M.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Emerging Contaminant Consolidation Grant Application (DWSRF Eligible). Additonal funding is not available through SRF loans.
Planning and Pilot Studies for PFAS Contamination
Very Small System Emerging Contaminant Planning Grant – Grants to very small Community or Non-Transient, Non-Community public water systems to study and assess PFAS contamination issues.
Community (population <100) public water systems; NTNC (non-transient, non-community) school or daycare public water systems
Grant to study and assess alternative sources or to aid in selecting the appropriate course of treatment.
Funds Available
Up to $30,000 per grant.
Eduard Chenette: Email or phone (207) 592-0456
Very Small System Emerging Contaminant Planning Grant Application (PDF)
Very Small System Emerging Contaminant Planning Grant Reimbursement Request (PDF)
Emerging Contaminant Planning Grant – Grants to Community public water systems to study and assess PFAS contamination issues.
Community public water systems with a population greater than 100.
Grant to study and assess alternative sources or to aid in selecting the appropriate course of treatment.
Funds Available
Up to $200,000.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Emerging Contaminant Planning Grant Application (DWSRF Eligible)
Private Wells with PFAS
Water Main Extension to Private Wells Containing PFAS – Grants to Community public water systems for extending distribution areas to homes with PFAS-contaminated wells.
Community public water systems.
Grants will be awarded to water systems seeking to extend their distribution systems to private homes with PFAS-contaminated wells.
Funds Available
Up to $250,000 toward the total project cost. 50% funding of any additional needs is also available, up to a maximum grant of $2M.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Water Main Extension to Private Wells Containing PFAS Application (DWSRF Eligible)
Emergency Construction Fund – Loans for water systems where recent unexpected events pose a serious threat to health and welfare.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems
Loans for unexpected events where public health and welfare are at risk. The DWP reserves the right of discretion to determine what constitutes an emergency. Projects must meet eligibility criteria for DWSRF projects but do not need to be on the Project Priority List.
Funds Available
No project limit, based on available funds at time of request. Not eligible for principal forgiveness.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Land Acquisition Loans – Low interest loans to community or non-profit, non-community public water systems for purchase or legal control of drinking water source protection areas.
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems
Low interest loans for the purchase of land and/or conservation easements needed for source water protection
Funds Available
No project limit, based on available funds at time of loan application
Sofia Licht: Email or phone (207) 441-3217
Land Acquisition Loan Application (PDF)
Land Acquisition Loan Fact Sheet (PDF)
Lead Service Line Project Loan – Loans to build lead service line inventories, replace lead service lines, or do galvanized replacements.
Community public water systems
Loans to build a lead service line inventory
Funds Available
No project limit, based on available funds at time of request. 0% interest loan, with 55% principal forgiveness.
Greg Connors: Email or phone (207) 592-3409
Lead Service Line Project Loan Application (DWSRF Eligible)
Project Capital Improvements Loan – Financing for infrastructure improvements needed for compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act and to protect public health
Community and non-profit, non-community public water systems
Loans for projects that will help systems maintain the health objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Projects are ranked on a point system and additional points will be given for legal requirements necessitating a project, compatibility with previously identified needs, and availability of co-funding with other funding agencies.
Funds Available
Low interest loans. Partial Principal Forgiveness is possible based on MHI and water rates for Economically Disadvantaged Communities.
McKenzie Parker: Email or phone (207) 557-2255
Project Capital Improvements Loan Application (DWSRF Eligible)
Updated 2/10/2025