For Immediate Release: Monday, January 28, 2019
Contact: Dick Thompson, (207) 624-7800
Deputy Commissioner, Department of Administrative and Financial Services
Mills Administration Seeks Bidders for Marijuana Consulting Services
RFP anticipates the State of Maine hiring a rulemaking consultant by March 18, 2019.
AUGUSTA – Today, the Department of Administrative and Financial Services (DAFS) announced that it is seeking bidders to provide consultant services for rulemaking related to adult-use recreational marijuana and the Maine Medical Use of Marijuana programs. Request for proposals (RFP) #201901014 was issued by the Department earlier today and follows last week’s decision to withdraw a conditional award (PDF, 4.5MB) for similar services that was under appeal and unlikely to prevail, further delaying implementation.
“Issuing a new RFP allows the Department to tighten the scope, terms, and conditions of the forthcoming award,” said Deputy Commissioner Dick Thompson. “Just as importantly, it provides an opportunity for the State of Maine to proceed with the implementation of an adult-use program as expeditiously as possible.”
The new RFP clarifies the process of proposal submission, eliminates a requirement for bidders to submit a proposal deposit, and removes the Maine Business and Economic Impact Consideration as a scoring criterion. In the interest of time, the new request for proposals also removes a formal RFP question and answer period, which would delay the process by two weeks, and provides a preference for bidders who can demonstrate their ability to meet the requirements of the procurement in the shortest amount of time.
“Governor Mills is committed to implementing the law, and the issuance of this RFP by DAFS moves the State of Maine one step closer to realizing that commitment,” added Deputy Commissioner Thompson. “The Department looks forward to reviewing the proposals submitted by interested parties and beginning the work of moving forward the Marijuana Legalization Act in a timely manner.”
Proposals are due by February 14, 2019, with the RFP anticipating a March 18, 2019 contract start date.
In November 2016, Maine voters approved the recreational use, retail sale and taxation of marijuana. In January 2017, the Maine Legislature placed a moratorium on certain parts of the law regarding retail sales and taxation, until February 2018, while a 17-member legislative committee worked to overhaul the Marijuana Legalization Act. The legislative language developed by that committee established a rough regulatory framework for adult-use and became effective in May 2018.
Once a RFP award is made, contract negotiated, and a consultant hired, the Department will be able to begin the rulemaking process required by the Marijuana Legalization Act.