The Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages & Lottery Operations
Provides our state with superior products and services while providing top notch customer service to the constituents that we serve.
Division of Financial & Personnel Services
Provides fiscal and human resource management services to various departments and agencies across Maine State Government.
The Bureau of the Budget
Provides central budget and position planning and control. The Bureau works with the Governor or Governor-elect to prepare and submit, biennially, a state budget document.
Maine Revenue Services
Provides easy, convenient access to Maine tax information, ensuring efficient administration of tax laws and providing quality taxpayer assistance.
Office of Cannabis policy
To ensure the health and safety of all Mainers by effectively and responsibly licensing and regulating cannabis establishments.
Deliver services to state owned and occupied facilities, and it will focus on core functions such as facility planning and construction office space planning, custodial and maintenance services, physical plant security and grounds maintenance.
The Bureau of Human Resources
Provides leadership in workforce management for the departments within Maine State Government.
Office of the State Controller
Maintains accounting policy and records according to Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) rules. Responsible for maintaining and reporting all state financial transactions, provides internal audit support for the agencies that comprise state government.
Office of Information Technology
Delivering safe, secure, and high-performing networks and systems to State Agencies for daily performance of their missions for the citizens of Maine.
the State Economist
Conducts ongoing analysis of Maine's economy to inform planning and policy decisions, including performing special research projects undertaken with and for the Governor’s office, the Legislature and other state agencies.