Ending Hunger in Maine VISTA Program Seeks Host Organizations for AmeriCorps Members

January 25, 2022

For more information contact: Jim Britt at: Jim.Britt@maine.gov

AUGUSTA - The Ending Hunger in Maine VISTA program, housed within the Commissioner's Office of the Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, seeks nonprofit organizations and public agencies interested in hosting a full-time AmeriCorps VISTA member for one year.

VISTA member placements aim to help local organizations or public agencies build capacity to address poverty. Applicable opportunities must align with one or more of the goal areas of Maine's Roadmap to End Hunger, including food access, economic security and opportunity, advancing equity, empowerment and narrative change, and improving coordination across anti-hunger efforts.

Host site applications for the 2022-2023 service year are now open and due by Friday, February 4. Please contact Sydney Cass Brown, Program Manager, at sydney.c.brown@maine.gov or (207) 530-1417.

About Maine's Ending Hunger Corps At the intersection of poverty and hunger elimination, Maine's Ending Hunger Corps supports the root cause goals of Ending Hunger in Maine by 2030 (EH2030), housed in the Commissioner's Office of the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Twenty-three VISTA members will be placed at nonprofit organizations, schools, and government agencies each year. They will carry out capacity-building projects aligned with the anti-poverty focus of AmeriCorps VISTA and the goals of Everyone at the Table: Maine's Roadmap to End Hunger.