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Soil and Water Conservation Districts
Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) are subdivisions of State Government, governed by locally-elected Boards of Supervisors. There are sixteen SWCDs in Maine which generally correspond to county boundaries, although there are a few exceptions (see the map below and the list that follows). SWCDs establish local priorities for conservation efforts. Emphasis is on agriculture and forestry although urban development is a priority in some districts. SWCDs hold workshops, set up demonstrations, offer educational programs, review development plans, and set priorities for one-on-one technical assistance, at the request of land occupiers.
Choose the soil & water district area you are interested in for more information:

Soil & Water Conservation Districts and Natural Resources Conservation Service Field Offices in Maine
Field Office | Address | Phone Number & Email |
Androscoggin Valley (Androscoggin & Sagadahoc Counties) |
254 Goddard Road Lewiston, ME 04240 www.androscogginswcd.org |
Tel. 207-241-5374 admin@androscogginswcd.org |
Central Aroostook | 102 Normal Hall 181 Main Street University of at Maine Presque Isle Presque Isle, ME 04769 www.facebook.com/CASWCD/ |
Tel. 207-768-9430 |
Cumberland County | 35 Main Street Suite 3 Windham, ME 04062 www.cumberlandswcd.org |
Tel. 207-892-4700 Fax: 207-892-4773 cbrewer@cumberlandswcd.org |
Franklin County | 107 Park Street Farmington, ME 04938 franklincountyswcd.org/ |
Tel. 207-778-4279 Fax: 207-778-5785 franklincswcd@yahoo.com |
Hancock County | 474 Bucksport Road Ellsworth, ME 04605 www.hancockcountyswcd.org/ |
Tel. 207-667-8663 hcswcdinfo@hancockcountyswcd.org |
Kennebec County | 2305 N. Belfast Avenue Augusta, ME 04330 www.kcswcd.org |
Tel. 207-622-7847 ext. 3 Fax: 207-626-8196 dale@kcswcd.org |
Knox-Lincoln (Knox and Lincoln Counties) |
893 West St, Suite 103 Rockport ME 04856 www.knox-lincoln.org |
Tel. 207-596-2040 info@knox-lincoln.org |
Oxford County | 17 Olson Road Suite 3 South Paris, ME 04281 www.oxfordcountyswcd.org |
Tel. 207-744-3111 or 207-744-3119
oxfordcountyswcd@gmail.com |
Penobscot County | 1423 Broadway, Suite 2 Suite 2 Bangor, ME 04401 www.penobscotswcd.org |
Tel. 207-990-3676 ext. 3 Fax: 207-942-1782 info@penobscotswcd.org |
Piscataquis County | 42 Engdahl Drive Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426 www.piscataquisswcd.org |
Tel. 207-564-2321 ext. 3 Fax: 207-564-2570 info@piscataquisswcd.org |
St. John Valley | 139 Market Street Suite 106 Fort Kent, ME 04743 www.sjv.me.nacdnet.org |
Tel. 207-834-3311 Fax: 207-834-6435 sjvswcd@gmail.com |
Somerset County | 70 East Madison Skowhegan, ME 04976 www.somersetswcd.org |
Tel. 207-612-4136 Fax: 207-474-0638 info@somersetswcd.org |
Southern Aroostook | 304 North Street Houlton, ME 04730 www.saswcd.org |
Tel. 207-254-4126 Fax: 207-532-4379 angela.wotton@me.nacdnet.net |
Waldo County | 46 Little River Drive Belfast, ME 04915 www.waldocountysoilandwater.org |
Tel. 207-218-5311 Fax: 207-338-4972 msteinman@maineconservationdistricts.com |
Washington County | 10 M&M Place Machias, ME 04654 |
Tel. 207-255-4659 Fax: 207-255-6817 nate.pennell@myfairpoint.net |
York County | 21 Bradeen Street, #104 Springvale, ME 04083 www.yorkswcd.org |
Tel. 207-324-0888 ext. 214 Fax: 207-324-4822 info@yorkswcd.org |