Keep Maine's Forests in Mind as You Perform Storm Cleanup

October 21, 2019

The recent storm resulted in many fallen trees and branches. If you are involved in storm cleanup, please be safe and also help keep Maine's forests healthy. The woody debris created by storm damage may harbor insects or diseases that are harmful to our forests. Moving that debris long distances can spread pests to new areas. Be aware that there are rules, known as quarantines, that impact transport of some woody storm debris:

  • Movement of ash (Fraxinus) from areas within the Emerald Ash Borer regulated area. The restriction in this case extends to mixed hardwood chips.
  • Movement of Larch (Larix spp, Pseudolarix spp.) from areas within the European Larch Canker quarantine.
  • Movement of Hemlock (Tsuga) branch/top material from areas within the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid quarantine.
  • Movement of Pine (Pinus spp.) from parts of Maine within the Pine Shoot Beetle quarantine to Washington and Aroostook Counties.

You can learn more about quarantines that affect woody storm debris at

Supporting documents

Storm cleanup photo Courtesy of University Forests at The University of Maine.